Packeiser, E.-M., Engels, L., Nolte, I., Goericke-Pesch, S., & Murua Escobar, H. (2023). MDR1 inhibition reverses doxorubicin-resistance in six doxorubicin-resistant canine prostate and bladder cancer cell lines. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(9).
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Rehder, P., Packeiser, E., Körber, H., & Goericke-Pesch, S. (2023). Sertoli cell number is altered in dogs with immune-mediated orchitis. In Reproduction in domestic animals. Wiley.
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Reifarth, L., Körber, H., Packeiser, E.-M., & Goericke-Pesch, S. (2023). Detection of spermatogonial stem cells in testicular tissue of dogs with chronic asymptomatic orchitis. Frontiers in veterinary science, 10.
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Ueffing, M. (2023). Auswirkungen des Sertoli-Zell-spezifischen Verlusts des Gap-Junction-Proteins Connexin 43 auf die Zellgestalt und das Zytoskelett von Sertoli-Zellen.
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Vasetska, A., Packeiser, E. M., Körber, H., Aslan, S., Saral, G., Binli, F., Akal, E., Selçuk, M., Ay, S. S., Findik, M., & Goericke-Pesch, S. (2023). Androgen signalling during downregulation and recovery subsequent to 5-month deslorelin treatment. In Reproduction in domestic animals. Wiley.
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Vasetska, A., Körber, H., Pilgram, C., Schuler, G., Aslan, S., Saral, G., Binli, F., Akal, E., Selcuk, M., Ay, S., Findik, M., Fontaine, C. S., & Goericke-Pesch, S. (2023). Correction: The use of a 4.7 mg deslorelin slow release implant in male dogs in the field. Tierärztliche Praxis / K, 51(4), e1.
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Vasetska, A., Körber, H., Pilgram, C., Schuler, G., Aslan, S., Saral, G., Binli, F., Akal, E., Selcuk, M., Ay, S., Findik, M., & Goericke-Pesch, S. (2023). The use of a 4.7 mg deslorelin slow release implant in male dogs in the field. Tierärztliche Praxis / K, 51(4), 231–241.
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Goericke-Pesch, S., & Packeiser, E.-M. (2022). Reproductive management in catteries: optimising health and wellbeing through veterinarian-breeder collaboration. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24(9), 881–904.
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Goericke-Pesch, S., & Reichler, I. (2022). Managing dystocia in small animals. In Reproduction in domestic animals. Wiley.
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Goericke-Pesch, S., Reifarth, L., Behrens Mathiesen, C., Schuler, G., Umbach, A.-K., & Körber, H. (2022). Chronic immune-mediated orchitis is the major cause of acquired non-obstructive azoospermia in dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9.
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