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Tönissen, A., Köhne, M., Weber, P., Martinsson, G., & Sieme, H. (2025). Reproduktionsbiotechnologien beim Pferd: Zucht im Wandel. In Niedersächsischer Tierärztetag 2025: Vortragszusammenfassungen. Verlag der DVG Service GmbH.
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Köhne, M., Hüsch, R., Tönissen, A., Schmidt, M., Müsken, M., Böttcher, D., Hirnet, J., Plötz, M., Kittler, S., & Sieme, H. (2024). Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages specific to Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus and evaluation of efficacy ex vivo. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, Article 1448958.
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Sielhorst, J., Koether, K., Volkmann, N., Blanco, M., Vicioso, R., Baade, S., Kemper, N., De Mestre, A. M., & Sieme, H. (2024). Occurrence of ultrasonographic assessed placental abnormalities, treatments, pregnancy outcome, and subsequent fertility on a large warmblood stud farm: a retrospective field study. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 137, Article 105076.
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