The clinic offers interested students the opportunity to get involved in the daily work as part of the team during their studies and to gain experience in the examination, diagnosis and treatment of our diverse patients. As sub-assistants (“brakes”, student assistants), you help us with our routine work and especially in emergency services. The team of brakemen is continually being expanded; applications are possible once the propaedeutic exam has been successfully completed. We value teamwork and will draw up an induction and training plan for you. Many of our current veterinarians gained their first experience in pet/reptile and bird medicine in this way. In addition, positions are offered in the individual departments in which you can help specifically during the week.

If you are interested, please contact us informally with a short CV and possibly a description of your areas of interest. The contact person for the sub-assistants is Dr. Krull ( However, you can also submit your application via the secretariat (