Prizes and Honors

Menschen in Talar werfen ihre Hüte in die Höhe

For special merits and achievements, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation awards various prizes and honors:


Medal of Merit
Employees of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation who have acquired special merits are awarded the medal of merit after at least 15 years of service.

Dammann Medal
The president and the senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation award the Dammann medal to colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to the practical implementation of scientific knowledge.

Prizes for doctoral dissertations, PhD theses and publications at the TiHo

Erich Aehnelt Memorial Award
The Erich Aehnelt Memorial Award for special doctoral achievements - an excellent dissertation - is offered at every doctoral celebration at the TiHo.

Eberhard Lienhop Memorial Award
The Eberhard Lienhop Memorial Award appreciates excellent doctoral dissertations in the field of veterinary food hygiene.

Hans Hellmann Memorial Award
The award is presented on the occasion of the doctoral graduation ceremony in the summer semester. Basic research-oriented experimental work is eligible for the award.

Award of the Joachim und Irene Hahn Foundation
The award is intended to recognize an excellent scientific publication or dissertation in the field of veterinary medicine as a whole - especially in the field of reproductive biology.

Wilhelm Schulze Memorial Award
The Wilhelm Schulze Memorial Award is intended to recognize an excellent dissertation with a clinical or application-oriented topic and relation to farmed animals. 

Award of the Brigitte und Prof. Dr. Reiner Müller-Peddinghaus Foundation
The Foundation offers for the Winter Doctorate an award for an excellent dissertation that concludes with the Doctor medicinae veterinariae (Dr. med. vet.). Within the doctoral programs, the Foundation for the Summer Doctorate awards an excellent PhD thesis or an excellent thesis that concludes with the Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.).

Gerhard Domagk Award for Life Science
The award is intended to recognize the author of an excellent PhD thesis that was written as part of a PhD program at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation and led to the successful completion of the PhD program.