About TiHo

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University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover

The TiHo - Working for the Welfare of Humans and Animals

The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) stands for long-standing competence in the field of veterinary medicine. It is an eminent scientific institution connecting modern science with university tradition. Since its founding in 1778 as the Roß-Arzney-Schule it has kept its independent status up until today thereby assuming an exceptional position in Germany. At the beginning of 2003 the TiHo was transformed to a university foundation – the State of Lower Saxony granting the university a greater personal responsibility and thereby more flexibility for legal arrangements.

The TiHo has built up six specialist centres and integrates six clinics, 17 institutes and two special units. Additionally, in Ruthe, south of Hannover, in Bakum near Vechta and in Büsum at the North Sea the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover runs three field offices training students, and conducting research projects.

Key Facts of the TiHo

Students Veterinary Medicine: 1.606 (WS 2022/23)
Students Master Biology: 51 (WS 2022/23)
Doctorate students: 593 (WS 2022/23)

Professors: 45
Junior professors: 1
Apprentices: 73

Employees: 1.290

Untersuchung für die Doktorarbeit. Aufgenommen in der Abteilung Fischkrankheiten und Fischhaltung
© Theresa Ullrich, TiHo

Research at the TiHo - Innovation for Humans and Animals

Research at the TiHo stands for research on and for animals – and in a translational manner for human research. Main research interests of the TiHo are:

  • Infection medicine with neuroinfectiology
  • Animal health and food quality and
  • Biodiversity

Research is performed at university in interdisciplinary cooperation or in cooperation with industry. The EU-Reference Laboratory for European Classical Swine Fever and other Pestiviruses should be mentioned.

Internationally the TiHo fosters numerous contacts. At present there are partnerships and cooperations with 37 foreign universities and veterinary medical faculties in 29 countries.

Untersuchung eines Meerschweinchens in der Klinik für Heimtiere, Reptilien und Vögel
© Theresa Ullrich, TiHo

Education at the TiHo - Knowledge for Humans and Animals

There is a great demand for the course of studies at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation. About 250 undergraduate places are available every year for more than 1,000 applicants. Including graduate students in biology as well as PhD and doctoral students there are approximately 2,400 students registered. Furthermore, the TiHo educates in cooperation with the Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Hannover Medical School biology students (bachelor).

In April 2001 a Graduate School was founded for the scientific postgraduate training of veterinarians and natural scientists. Under its umbrella are three PhD courses of study. The PhD program Veterinary Research and Animal Biology was set up in 1998 – the first PhD course of studies nation-wide.

Untersuchung in der Klinik für Pferde
© Theresa Ullrich, TiHo

Services at the TiHo - Welfare for Humans and Animals

Besides research and teaching, services are one of the core tasks of the TiHo. Patient care in the six clinics of the TiHo are of siginificant importance. Clinical work is well-known far beyond the borders of Hannover and the clinics are frequented by patient owners from abroad.

The veterinary care in the TiHo is supplemented by an emergency service which concentrates on the field of livestock. Caring for large herds is of particular importance.
Besides patient care various institutions of the TiHo offer pathological and laboratory diagnostic examinations. Furthermore, chemical, biochemical or toxicological analyses
are performed. In addition, scientists of the TiHo are available in an advisory capacity for all questions concerning animal welfare and animal husbandry, and particularly in the case of infectious diseases.