TiHo in international comparison
Rankings compare the performance of universities worldwide. On the basis of differently selected indicators, they evaluate the quality of research and teaching. Several international rankings prove the high level of research and teaching at the TiHo and thus the worldwide importance of the university. On this page we present some of these rankings and show how the TiHo compares internationally.
Shanghai Ranking
The ranking evaluates the scientific output of universities: publications and citations in international journals each account for about 20 percent of the evaluation. In addition, the most frequently cited scientists and researchers as well as special awards from researchers are included. High awards from alumni and research performance measured in terms of the size of the institution are also included, each with ten percent. A total of 300 international universities are listed for the subject. TiHo has occupied places among the top 10 universities in the field of veterinary medicine for many years; in 2019, it was ranked second, and in 2020, fourth.
NTU Ranking
The National Taiwan University (NTU) publishes the "Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities" every year. It analyzes the number and quality of scientific publications from universities worldwide and weights them according to scientific productivity, excellence and scientific influence. NTU uses publication data from Web of Science and Essential Science Indicators as a data basis. TiHo is listed here in the category "Plant & Animal Science", where it ranked 262nd internationally in 2020.
U.S. News Ranking in the "Best Global Universities Ranking"
The ranking includes shares on the reputation in the field of research nationally and internationally as well as bibliometric indicators based on "Web of Science". Here the TiHo 2020 was listed as follows:
Rank 1364 in the category "Best Global Universities",
place 67 in "Best Global Universities in Germany" and
336th place in the subject ranking in "Plant and Animal Science".