Institute of Zoology

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The main research areas of the Institute of Zoology, at the Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule (TiHo) cover broad areas of zoological research. One focus of the institute is the neurobiology of vertebrates. In particular, sensory biological processes in neuronal function and behavior are studied at the institute. Related to sensory biology is the research of communication in the animal kingdom. Here, the institute focuses largely on bioacoustics and thus investigates the function of transmitter and receiver. Another strong focus of the Institute of Zoology is behavioral and evolutionary research.

The focus is on research into the processes and mechanisms of evolution and the adaptation of animals to their environment. This is illustrated by the work on the management of endangered wildlife.

The Institute of Zoology is involved in a broad variety of mandatory and elective courses in the context of veterinary medicine education.
Equally important for the Institute of Zoology is its involvement as a teaching unit Biology of the Hanover Universities and covers, according to the ZEB contract, mandatory and elective courses within the Bachelor of Sience education for biology at the Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH).
Furthermore, the institute provides important competences in the master education within the TiHo study program "Animal Biology and Biomedical Sciences". Furthermore, the members of the institute participate in the PhD and doctoral education at TiHo and LUH.


Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Institut für Zoologie
Bünteweg 17, Gebäude 218
30559 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 953-8741
Fax: +49 511 953-828741
Institute of Zoology


Navi-Adress: Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover
plus-Code: 9R34+4F Hannover