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Online Survey on Diversity at TiHo

This year, the “German Diversity Day” is taking place for the 11th time. Members and signatories of the “Charta der Vielfalt” are flying the flag for diversity and many organisations are joining in with creative activities, TiHo is one of them!
To support our cause, please take part in the online survey "How colourful is TiHo?”.
Participation in the anonymous internal survey is possible from any web-enabled device, just log in with your TiHo access data.
We’re looking forward to many participants – and maybe some fresh ideas for TiHo?

The survey is open until 31st May 2023.

Survey on Diversity


When most people think of the terms diversity and equal opportunity, they mainly think of gender equality, the advancement of women, or the compatibility of family and career. However, diversity involves much more than looking at differences between the sexes. It also includes other dimensions of diversity, such as social and ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, possible disabilities, and also worldview.

In the social fabric of a university, people with diverse abilities come together. It is essential for successful development to make use of this pool.

The expansion of our diversity management promotes this culture and helps to increase equal opportunities for all and to reduce potential barriers. Joining the "Charta der Vielfalt" created concrete starting points for projects that positively influence the organizational culture at the TiHo. It is the declared goal of the TiHo to strengthen and expand this culture.


Charta der Vielfalt

The "Charta der Vielfalt" is a voluntary commitment by the signatory organization to promote diversity and appreciation in the world of work. Many thousands of companies, universities and other organizations in Germany have already signed up to the charter.
The aim of the initiative is to promote the recognition and inclusion of diversity in the world of work in Germany and to create a working environment that is free of prejudice. All employees should be valued - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and worldview, sexual orientation and social origin.

further Information

German universities open to the world

Universities for openness, tolerance and against xenophobia
Nationwide campaign by HRK member universities

The member universities of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) are set to oppose xenophobia in Germany as part of a nationwide initiative. The HRK members are committing to their stance with the slogan “Universities for openness, tolerance and against xenophobia”. They are reacting to racist verbal and physical attacks in Germany and to growing isolationism in some European countries and the rest of the world.

further Information

Gender Equality Commissioner


Martina Rutkowski
Assistenz; Gleichstellungsbüro
direct dial
+49 511 953-7981
+49 511 953-82 7981