M.Sc. "Animal Biology and Biomedical Sciences"

General Information on the Degree Course

The degree course is aimed at students of Biology, Biochemistry and related fields who have already completed a Bachelor`s degree. It is not aimed at students with a degree in veterinary medicine

The Master’s degree course lasts four semesters and graduates are awarded a Master of Science degree. The following three main subject areas form the basic focus of the university course:

  • Evolution, biodiversity and behaviour
  • Cell biology, developmental biology and neurobiology
  • Infection biology

These main subject areas provide an interface between biology and biomedical science and research, thus making the special focus of the Master’s Studies Course clear. Many institutes of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) are involved in the degree course, the form of which does not exist at other biological sciences faculties. The close link between biological and veterinary research areas is unique in Germany.

The university lecturers base their teaching on current scientific research of their own institute. Thereby, the students are introduced to current research right from the beginning and are given the opportunity early on to carry out independent research in the TiHo laboratories. Those who see their intended career in bioscientific or biomedical research and/or intend to gain a doctorate (Dr.rer.nat. or PhD) have come to the right place!

This is a study course of an international nature. For this reason most of the lectures are held in English. Also, at many universities English is the working language in the lab due to the international composition of staff. A good command of English is therefore essential.

In the first semester the course “Animal Protection and Planning Animal Experiments” is run for all students. Additionally, the course FELASA B is optionally offered insofar as it is necessary for the further course of study.

The master’s degree course qualifies the students for a variety of professional profiles in the field of biological and biomedical research at universities or in industry at home or abroad. The interdisciplinary combination of relevant training content for this prepares the graduates well for their subsequent profession. Graduates from multidisciplinary subjects currently have good opportunities in the biotech field, especially at an international level.


If you have any questions, please contact Ms Monika Horni, Studiengangkoordination Master

Telefon: +49 511/953-8088
E-Mail: master.biology@tiho-hannover.de

10 reasons why you should do your master's degree in biology at TiHo!

10 Gründe, warum du deinen Biologie-Master an der TiHo machen solltest!

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