Publications Apl. Prof. Waberski

Peter, A., Brito, L., Althouse, G., Aurich, C., Chenoweth, P., Fraser, N., Lopate, C., Love, C., Luvoni, G., & Waberski, D. (2021). Andrology laboratory review: evaluation of sperm motility. Clinical Theriogenology: Official Publication of the Society for Theriogenology and the American College of Theriogenologists, 13(1), 24–36.
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Höfner, L., Luther, A.-M., Palladini, A., Fröhlich, T., & Waberski, D. (2020). Tolerance of stored boar spermatozoa to autologous seminal plasma: a proteomic and lipidomic approach. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(18: 6474).
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Höfner, L., Luther, A.-M., & Waberski, D. (2020). The role of seminal plasma in the liquid storage of spermatozoa. Animal Reproduction Science, 220: 106290.
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Höfner, L., Luther, A.-M., & Waberski, D. (2020). Fractional semen collecting: a chance to reduce the damaging effect of seminal plasma on boar spermatozoa during long-term storage. In Reproduction in domestic animals. Wiley.
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Jäkel, H., Gianluppi, R., Lucca, M. S., Mellagi, A. P., Ulguim, R. R., Bortolozzo, F. P., & Waberski, D. (2020). Eligibility of boars for hypothermic, antibiotic-free semen storage under field conditions. In Reproduction in domestic animals. Wiley.
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Jäkel, H., Gianluppi, R., Lucca, M. S., Mellagi, A. P., Ulguim, R. R., Bortolozzo, F. P., & Waberski, D. (2020). Fertility with antibiotic-free preserved boar semen under standardized field conditions. In Animal reproduction science. Elsevier Science.
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Paschoal, A. F. L., Luther, A.-M., Jäkel, H., Scheinpflug, K., Mühldorfer, K., P. Bortolozzo, F., & Waberski, D. (2020). Determination of a cooling-rate frame for antibiotic-free preservation of boar semen at 5°C. PLoS ONE, 15(6).
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Scheinpflug, K., Schiller, S., Jäkel, H., Schulze, M., Waberski, D., & Mühldorfer, K. (2020). Relevance of Leptospira in boar and for the development of alternative antimicrobial concepts in boar semen preservation. Porcine Health Management, 6: 31.
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Bui, D. H., Luther, A.-M., Henning, H., & Waberski, D. (2019). In vitro- ageing in boar spermatozoa increases calcium release from intracellular stores by sensitizing receptor- gated channels. In Reproduction in domestic animals. Wiley.
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Bui, D. H., Larisch, A. M., Henning, H., & Waberski, D. (2019). Influence of semen storage on the responsiveness to a sensitizer of receptor-gated intracellular clcium channels in boar spermatozoa. In Conference of the 23rd European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction.
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