Research areas:
Regulation of canine spermatogenesis with special reference to downregulation and subsequent restart after application of a GnRH agonist slow release implant.
- Azoospermia in males - etiology, diagnosis and possible therapeutic options
- Influence of specific nanoparticles on male fertility and effects on offspring
- Dystocia in the parturient bitch
- Dystocia in the Scottish Terrier - Radiographic Pelvimetry a Diagnostic Tool
- Semen preservation dog and cat
- Studies on the pathophysiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia in the male dog
- Diagnostics of luteal insufficiency
- Relationships between progesterone, prolactin and relaxin and ovarian, hypothalamic-pituitary and placental mechanisms in the gravid bitch
- Prepartum phase of pregnancy
- Embryonic/fetal death
- Dysregulation of proliferative and apoptic endometrial processes in the pathogenesis of glandular cystic endometrial hyperplasia/pyometra
- Physiology and pathology of prolactin secretion in the male dog.