International research programs have a high priority at the RIZ. The focus is on European and German research projects. The RIZ brings together national and international research networks in order to achieve the best possible results.
Virology Group (Professor Dr. Paul Becher)
- Investigation of pestiviruses and other veterinary relevant RNA viruses and zoonotic pathogens
- Identification and characterization of cellular receptors and determinants of virus entry
- EU and WOAH- reference laboratory for Classical Swine Fever
Parasitology Group (Professor Dr. Stefanie Becker)
- The role of mosquitoes as vectors, their distribution and ecology in terms of the spread of vector-borne diseases
- Interactions and spread of arboviruses and their vectors
Molecular and Clinical Infection Biology Group (Professor Dr. Gisa Gerold)
- Molecular basis of zoonotic RNA viruses and species-specific RNA virus-infections
- Investigations of host proteins and protein networks related to host changes and respective antiviral therapeutic approaches
Infection Immunology Group (Professor Dr. Bernd Lepenies)
- Identification of novel C-type lectin receptor (CLR) ligands on pathogens by glycan/glycoprotein array
- Targeting of CLRs on antigen-presenting cells using carbohydrate ligands
- Investigation of CLR functions in animal models of infection and autoimmunity
Infection Biology Group (Professor Dr. Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus)
- Identify emerging and possibly zoonotic infectious diseases in host reservoirs
- Develop and improve therapeutic measures for infectious diseases
- Identifying immune mechanisms and developing vaccines
Immunovirology Group (Professor Dr. Guus Rimmelzwaan)
- Effect of adaptive immunity on infections with zoonotic viruses and correlates of protection
- Viral evasion strategies and immunity to viruses
- Intervention strategies, vaccines and treatment (antiviral and host response modifiers)
Zoonotic Virology Group (Professorin Dr. Asisa Volz)
- Prevalence of viruses (e.g. West Nile virus) in animal hosts
- Chronic viral infections in mammals
- Immunogenicity and immunoprophylaxis in mammals
Infection Biochemistry Group (Professorin Dr. Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede)
- Importance of extracellular networks in the innate immune response to zoonotic infections
- Research into new therapeutic approaches that strengthen the immune system against infections
- Role of neutrophils in pathogen-host interaction
- Hypoxia and oxygen as immune modulators
Host-Virus Interactions Junior Research Group (Dr. Imke Steffen)
- New RNA viruses and their interaction with the human and animal host
- The role of flavivirus NS1 proteins in viral pathogenesis
- The role of MAVS in CNS-resident cells