The information on this page is in chronological order. The latest events are always at the top, past and possibly expired events are therefore at the bottom.

News 2024

IBS-Seminar 2024 WS programme

IBS-Seminar 2024 WS programme

The current programme of the IBS seminar can be found on the following page under IBS (infection Biology Seminar):

First biolab in South America for studying world’s deadliest viruses is set to open

First biolab in South America for studying world’s deadliest viruses is set to open

First biolab in South America for studying world’s deadliest viruses is set to open.

More information here on

Virologist Asisa Volz talks about the MPox events in a podcast on Deutschlandfunk

Virologist Asisa Volz talks about the MPox events in a podcast on Deutschlandfunk

Little is known about Mpox in humans.

The Mpox virus is now transmitted more easily from person to person. But how? That is far from clear, says virologist Asisa Volz. This is because much of the knowledge comes from laboratory studies.

For more information listen here for the podcast on Deutschlandfunk.

ZIM-Day 2024

ZIM- Day 2024 13th of June 2024

Maura Lynch-Miller won the GBM Master Prize 2023

Maura Lynch-Miller won the GBM Master Prize 2023

Dear all,

it is a great honor to announce that Maura Lynch-Miller was elected to receive the GBM Master price based on her Master thesis entitled:

Influence of low oxygen availability on ACE2 receptor expression, glycosylation, and S1 protein binding.

Congratulations on winning the GBM Master Prize 2023, Maura!!!

Maura was officially informed yesterday by the GBM Team (Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie).

She will officially receive the prize at the ZIM Day at the TiHo (13.06.24, from 14:00, in the TiHo pathology lecture hall).

We are very proud!

Excellent work Maura!

Best regards,


Maren von Köckritz- Blickwede was elected as speaker of the DFG-Fachkollegium 207

Maren von Köckritz- Blickwede was elected as speaker of the DFG-Review Board 207

Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede was elected as speaker at the constituent meeting of the  DFG-Review Board 207 "Agricultural Sciences, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine" on 16.04.2024.

Together with TiHo colleague Prof. Sabine Kästner and Prof. Frank Edlich from Leipzig, she represents the subject of veterinary medicine on the DFG Fachkollegium.

Information on the work of the Review Board can be found here:  DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Fachkollegien

In her role as speaker of the Fachkollegium, Mrs. von Köckritz-Blickwede also wants to support the scientists at the TiHo in an advisory capacity in addition to her work on the Fachkollegium and, among other things, act as a contact person for funding opportunities at the DFG:

For this purpose, a workshop is regularly offered as part of the PhD program, for which interested scientists are also welcome to register.

Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede emphasizes: "I am looking forward to the position, as I always enjoy working in the DFG Fachkollegium."

The DFG has established the Junior Researcher Academy "Infection Medicine"

The DFG has established the Junior Researcher Academy "Infection Medicine"

  • PDF Young Investigators Academy for Infection Medicine DFG (pdf, 100 KB) "[It] is intended to give young natural and life scientists as well as physicians and veterinarians from basic research and clinical practice the opportunity to implement infection medicine research ideas with human relevance from their own scientific and / or clinical work at an early stage of their academic career (up to a maximum of 6 years after their doctorate). The scientific focus should be on the prevention, prophylaxis and therapy of human infectious diseases, particularly with regard to host-pathogen interaction and translational-mechanistic research"

New cooperation between Leibniz University, Medical School and University of Veterinary Medicine

New cooperation between Leibniz University, Medical School and University of Veterinary Medicine Tierärztlicher Hochschule

New symposium series strengthens initiatives for collaborative research at the three universities in Hanover.

More information here.



Lecture: Culture of Care in animal research: Focus on human well-being

Lecture: Culture of Care in animal research: Focus on human well-being

Target group: All levels, employees in animal experimental research
05.03.2024, 10: 00 - 11:00 a.m., Lecture hall at the Institute of Pathology



Dr. Fabienne Ferrara (M.mel)

Consulting & Training in Animal Research

Master of Medicine Ethics and Law

Specialist veterinarian for laboratory animal science


Interactive lecture, title: "Cluture of Care in animal research: Focus on well-being."

Contents :

  •     Why focus on human and animal welfare?
  •     Work-related stress in animal research - special case of compassion fatigue
  •     Supportive work culture


BIOSAFETY WEEK 11. - 15.03.2024

BIOSAFETY WEEK 11. - 15.03.2024

The RIZ organizes the annual Safety Week from 11 - 15.03.2024.

The main part of this safety week will be a presence lecture in German and English by the Scientific Director for Administration and Biosafety (Prof. Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede) of the RIZ. This lecture covers the annual, required repetition of the safety briefing for genetic engineering facilities.

In addition to all RIZ users, other employees of your institute are cordially invited to this lecture on March 11, 2024, if they would like to gather ideas or receive refresher training.

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation
Research Center for Emerging Infections and Zoonoses

Further information on the program, module overview and registration can be found  here.


Love Data Week

Love Data Week

This week is Love Data Week - it includes a comprehensive range of further training courses on research data. Click here for the event overview:
The lectures and workshops are of particular interest to doctoral candidates and research assistants. 


The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Virology (GFV)

The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Virology (GFV)

The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Virology (GfV) will take place from March 25th to 28th 2024 in Vienna, Austria. Prof. Gerold will give a keynote lecture and Dr. Villabruna from AG Gerold will moderate the "young GfV" event that precedes the conference.

More about the conference here


Conference of the DVG Division of Physiology and Biochemistry

Conference of the DVG Division of Physiology and Biochemistry

The conference of the DVG Physiology and Biochemistry Section will take place at the Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover from June 7 to 9, 2024.

You are all cordially invited. You are welcome to submit the latest results of your research by 15.03.2024 as an abstract by e-mail to

More details about the presentations, posters and hotelinformation here

Prof. Dr. Leonida Fusani, MPhil PhD will give a keynote lecture on "New discoveries in the physiology of avian migration" on 07.06.2024.

To organize the evening event even more attractive we need your registration!  Early bird prices are valid until 17.03.2024.

We are looking forward to many registrations.

The global One Health Community is organizing the 8th World One Health Congress

The global One Health Community is organizing the 8th World One Health Congress in Cape Town

20 September - 23 September 2024


8th World One Health Congress | global One Health Community (

The Congress foresees four days of an outstanding, exceptional and forward-thinking agenda, which includes parallel tracks addressing one health science, antimicrobial agents and resistance, and science policy interface, amongst others.   

It will enable discussing major One Health challenges, as well as sharing research data and policy developments. Above all, it will provide a great opportunity to look at global One Health science and policy through an African lens. Through an open call for abstracts, notable work from distinguished scientists and opinion leaders will be disseminated at the world’s largest forum dedicated to advancing the One Health agenda and community.  

Building on the success of the 7th World One Health Congress in 2022 in Singapore, it will bring together One Health stakeholders, from science researchers, policymakers, representatives of international institutions, civil society to the private sector from around the world.