Research Interest
- Immunologic defense mechanisms against virus infections
- Correlates of immune protection
- Vaccine development
- Pathogenesis of virus infections
- Viral immune evasion strategies
- Viruses under investigation: Influenza virus, RSV, TBEV, Dengue virus, RVFV
Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship
The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship will allow the establishment of innovative and cutting-edge lines of research in the area of influenza-directed cell-mediated immunity, towards the development of the new field of immunovirology at TiHo-RIZ, the establishment of a dedicated research group, and the application of the field to the study of other viral infections. It will aim at implementing state-of-the-art immunovirological approaches and techniques, from in vitro and in vivo systems to study viral replication and pathogenesis, to molecular cloning and full genome sequencing.
Specifically the following issues and key research areas regarding immunity against influenza viruses will be addressed under the AvH professorship:
1. Effect of adaptive immunity on infections with zoonotic viruses, with special attention to pre-existing B and T cell mediated immunity and correlates of protection
2. Viral evasion strategies from B and T cell mediated immunity
3. Intervention strategies, vaccines and treatment (antiviral and host response modifiers)
4. Immunity to viruses other than influenza viruses.