Sommersemester 2024
Institut für Virologie
Institut für Tierhygiene Tierschutz und Nutztierethologie
Anatomisches Institut
Institut für Biochemie
Institut für Pharmakologie Toxikologie und Pharmazie
Institut für Zoologie
Institut für Immunologie
(formerly Block seminar VetRes)
A. Bleich, Breves, Gericke, Hiebl, Lepenies Pfarrer, Pröhl, Postel, Raulf, Rautenschlein, Steffen, Seeger, Valentin-Weigand, von Köckritz-Blickwede
consecutive Lecture, 28 hoursTo be announced
Interdisciplinary basic science lecture series, that cover important topics of veterinary research and animal biology and includes
- Alternative methods to animal testing
- Pathogen-host interaction
- Infection immunology
- Current methods in cellular and molecular biology
- Studies in animal behaviour
- Animal testing and animal genetics
- Priciples of drug action
Students in the first year are assigned to topics selected by the faculty for further study. At the beginning of the 90 min lecture, the professor gives a 45 min introductory lecture followed by a 30 min presentation of one sudent. The seminar will end up with a 15 min discussion open to the auditorium.
Institut für Virologie
Institut für Tierhygiene Tierschutz und Nutztierethologie
Anatomisches Institut
Institut für Biochemie
Institut für Pharmakologie Toxikologie und Pharmazie
Institut für Zoologie
Institut für Immunologie
Tierschutz/Versuchstierkunde EU-category A, C, D (former FELASA B)
block Lecture, 40 hours, max. 20 participantsTo be announced
This course is mandatory for persons carrying out animal experiments and is performed in strong accordance to the recommendations of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA category B course) and the Society of Laboratory Animal Science (GV-SOLAS). The course consists of lectures and practical exercises.
Hiebl, Stubbendorf
single Lecture, 2 hours, max. 30 participantsWed 19.06.24, 14:00 - 15:30
Animal Welfare Regulations and where they originated from. Is the animal welfare a modern invention and what were the underlying reasons to go down this road? How does animal welfare help the owner, consumer or user of animals? We will look at the benefits of animal welfare from different angles and see that this topic is iterative.