Dr. ing. agrar., Fischereiwissenschaftler
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Tel: 0511 953-8579
Fax: 0511 953-8587
Projekte und Aufgaben
- Impact of virus induced gill disease caused by carp edema virus (CEV) on the immunological status of fish. German Research Foundation-The National Science Centre Poland: Beethoven-Life 1
- BioProMare: SALHEARTCELL - Entwicklung und Nutzung von primären und permanenten Zellkulturen aus salmoniden Herzzellen zur Replikation und zum Nachweis von piscinen Orthoreoviren. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
- Entwicklung neuer und Verbesserung bestehender Diagnostik-Methoden zum Nachweis des Koi-Herpesvirus (KHV) sowie Entwicklung und Etablierung eines wirksamen Impfstoffes (KHV-Vacc). Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung
- Sustainable Trout Aquaculture Intensification (SusTAIn). Nds. Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur.
Forschung zu:
- Transkriptomische Bewertung der Resistenz gegen CEV, CyHV-3, TiLV, VHSV.
- Proteomische Antworten auf CEV, PRV-1, PRV-3, Aeromonas salminicida.
- Metabolomische Antworten auf CEV, PRV-1, PRV-3.
- Entwicklung von Adjuvantien und Messung von Immunantworten auf CyHV-3-Impfung.
- Entwicklung von Infektionsmodellen.
- Modellierung der Interaktion zwischen Typ I IFN-Antworten und Überleben von CEV-, CyHV-3- und SVCV-Infektionen bei Karpfen und VHSV bei Regenbogenforellen.
- Pathophysiologische Konsequenzen einer CEV-Infektion in Kiemen - Metabolomics- und Proteomics-Ansatz.
- Bewertung der Kiemen-, Haut- und Darmbarrierefunktion unter viralen Infektionen.
- Einfluss von Cholesterin und 25-Hydroxycholesterin auf virale Infektionen in Fischzellen.
- CyHV-3, VSHV experimentelle Infektionen und in vitro kulturbasierte Vorhersage des Überlebens.
- Entwicklung eines in vitro Haut- und Kiemenepithelmodells - Charakterisierung von Zellkontakten und Mucinen in Karpfen und Steinbutt.
- Molekulare Auswertung der bakteriellen Haut- und Tankmikroflora in Karpfenkultur.
- Antimikrobielle Aktivität von antimikrobiellen Peptiden in Forellen- und Karpfensperma, Extrakten von Meeresorganismen.
- Durchflusszytometrische Auswertung von T- und B-Zell-Reaktionen.
- Entwicklung einer siRNA-Behandlung für CyHV-3.
- Molekulare Diagnostik (AngHV-1, CEV, ISKNV, CyHV-2, PRV1, PRV3, PMCV, SAV, ASCV).
- Entwicklung von diagnostischen Assays.
- Fisch-Immunologie
- Biologie der Infektion
- Pathophysiologische Auswirkungen einer Infektion
- Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wirt und Erreger
- Typ-I-Interferon-System bei Fischen
- Genetischer Hintergrund der Krankheitsresistenz
- Lipide in der viralen Replikation
- Schleimhaut-Immunität
- Antimikrobielle Peptide
- Omics
- Diagnostik von Fischkrankheiten
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
PhD level 2005-2013: University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology Department of Ichthyobiology and Fisheries transferred in 2011 to Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn due to formal changes in Department of Ichthyobiology and Fisheries;
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences in the field of Fisheries awarded with the distinction by the Inland Fisheries Institute on 30.08.2013
Title of Doctoral thesis: The role of type I interferon on immune responses of carp infected with Cyprinid herpesvirus 3.
MRes level 2006-2007: Keele University, School of Life Sciences, MRes in European Scientific Research Training.
Title of Master of Research awarded on 14.11.2007. Thesis title: Interferon type I system of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and its influence on Cyprinid herpesvirus 3(CyHV-3) infection in vitro.
MEng level, 2000-2005: University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology Specialization: Fisheries and Water Environment Protection.
Title of Master of Engineering awarded on 08.07.2005 Thesis title: Gene polymorphism of MHC class IIB and resistance on bacterial infection of Cyprinus carpio with Aeromonas hyprophila.
Professional Experience
15.08.2011 – :Research Associate, Fish Disease Research Unit,
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany
- Modeling of the interaction between type I IFN responses and survival of CyHV-3 and SVCV infections in carp.
- Influence of cholesterol on CyHV-3 and SVCV infections.
- CyHV-3 experimental infections and in vitro culture based prediction of survival.
- Development of in vitro skin (epithelium) model – characterization of cell contacts and mucins in carp and turbot.
- Molecular evaluation of skin and tank bacterial microflora in carp culture.
- Antimicrobial activity of antimicrobial peptides in trout and carp semen.
- Development of siRNA treatment for CyHV-3.
- Molecular diagnostics (AngHV-1, CEV, ISKNV).
- Diagnostic assay development.
- Teaching. Master and Bachelor student supervision.
15.08.2009 – 14.08.2011: Experienced Researcher Marie Curie Initial Training Network NEMO, Fish Disease Research Unit,
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany
- Development of CyHV-3 experimental infections model.
- Evaluation type I IFN and apoptotic responses during CyHV-3 and SVCV infections.
- Influence of beta-glucan feeding on antimicrobial peptides and microflora in carp.
15.07.2005 – 14.08.2009 : PhD student, Department of Ichtiobiology and Fisheries
Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology, University of Agriculture in Krakow
- Teaching.
Experimental work
15.07.2005 – 14.08.2009, PhD student, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Ichthyobiology & Aquaculture in Golysz
- Evaluation of immunogenetic background of the resistance of common carp to CyHV-3 infections.
- Influence of type I IFN responses and gene polymorphism on the resistance of carp to CyHV-3 infections.
- CyHV-3 diagnostics.
Other Experience
5-7.12.2005 DNA Analysis by Automatic Sequencer, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
11-15.04.2010 Fish Immunology Workshop, Wageningen University, Nederland
16-18.06.2010 Molecular Epidemiology, University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover, Germany
15-17.09.2010 An essential guide to 3-dimensional protein structure and its determination, Keele University UK
25-27.10.2010 Microarrays – results analysis, MBS Service for Molecular Biology, Warsaw Poland
7-8.05.2011 Grantcraft & Grantmanship – Proposal Writing SkillsGrantCraft WRG Europe Ltd. Krakow Poland
9-11.05.2011 Common carp as a model organism for biological studies, Institute of Ichthyobiology and Aquaculture in Golysz Poland
14-15.11.2011 Frontiers in protein science, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Denmark
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2017-2021
- Bauer J. Adamek M. Boley A. Basilico A. Steinhagen D. Jung-Schroers V. (2021) Effects of a membrane-denitrification reactor on the microflora of a semi-closed recirculation aquaculture system for Acipenser baerii and Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 41(1):27
- Bello-Perez M. Adamek M. Coll J. Figueras A. Novoa B. Falco A. (2021) Modulation of the Tissue Expression Pattern of Zebrafish CRP-Like Molecules Suggests a Relevant Antiviral Role in Fish Skin. Biology 10(2):78. doi:10.3390/biology10020078.
- Adamek M. Davies J. Beck A. Jordan L. Becker A.M. Mojzesz M. Rakus K. Rumiac T. Collet B. Graham Brogden G. Way K. Bergmann S.M., Zou J. Steinhagen D. (2021) Antiviral actions of 25-hydroxycholesterol in fish vary with the virus-host combination. Frontiers in Immunology 12:581786 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.581786
- Widziolek M. Janik K. Mojzesz M. Pooranachandran N. Adamek M. Pecio A. Surachetpong W. Levraud J.-P. Boudinot P. Chadzinska M. Rakus K. (2021). Type I interferon-dependent response of zebrafish larvae during tilapia lake virus (TiLV) infection. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 116, 103936.
- Bauer J. Teitge F. Neffe L. Adamek M. Jung A. Peppler C. Steinhagen D. Jung-Schroers V. Impact of a reduced water salinity on the composition of Vibrio spp. in recirculating aquaculture systems for Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and its possible risks for shrimp health and food safety. Journal of Fish Diseases. 44(1), 89–105 doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13270.
- Bergmann S.M. Klafack S. Jin Y. Jung-Schroers V. Kappe A. Nardy E. Bornstein S. Scuda N. Kilwinski J. Runge M. Prüfer L.T. Hamann H-P. Bock W-I. Siempelkamp T. Engelhardt A. Salditt A. Alex M. Semmelmann S. Wonnemann H. Steinhagen D. Stone D. Way K. Adamek M. (2020). Assessment of genetic tools for detection of carp edema virus (CEV) by a laboratory comparison test in Germany. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 40(6), 221.
- Dietrich M.A. Adamek M. Jung-Schroers V. Rakus, K. Chadzińska M. Hejmej A. Hliwa P. Bilińska B. Karol H. Ciereszko A. (2020). Characterization of carp seminal plasma Wap65-2 and its participation in the testicular immune response and temperature acclimation. Veterinary Research 51, 142.
- Pojezdal Ľ. Adamek M. Syrová E. Steinhagen D. Minářová H. Papežíková I. Seidlová V. Reschová S. Palíková M. (2020) Health Surveillance of Wild Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario) in the Czech Republic Revealed a Coexistence of Proliferative Kidney Disease and Piscine Orthoreovirus-3 Infection. Pathogens 9(8), 604. doi.org/10.3390/pathogens9080604
- Sauerwald C. Volmer R. Adamek M. Jung-Schroers V. Flamm A. (2020) Mortality event associated with CEV and SVCV co-infection in a common carp farm in Germany. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 40(3), 123.
- Mojzesz M. Klak K. Wojtal P. Adamek M. Podlasz P. Chmielewska-Krzesinska M. Matras M. Reichert M. Chadzinska M. Rakus K. (2020) Viral infection-induced changes in the expression profile of non-RLR DExD/H-box RNA helicases (DDX1, DDX3, DHX9, DDX21 and DHX36) in zebrafish and common carp. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 104, 62–73 doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2020.06.010
- Gorgoglione B. Bailey C. Fast M.D. Bass D. Saraiva M. Adamek M. Noguera P. Ciulli S. Palíková M. Aguirre-Gil I. Bigarré L. and Haenen. O. (2020) Co-infections and multiple stressors in fish. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 40(1), 4.
- Zrnčić S. Oraić D. Zupičić I.G. Pavlinec Ž. Brnić D Rogić Ž.A. Sučec I. Steinhagen D. Adamek M. (2020) Koi herpesvirus and carp edema virus threaten common carp aquaculture in Croatia. Journal of Fish Diseases 43(6), 673-685 doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13163
- Rakus K. Mojzesz M. Widziolek M. Pooranachandran N. Teitge F. Surachetpong W. Chadzinska M. Steinhagen D. Adamek M. (2020) Antiviral response of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) during tilapia lake virus (TiLV) infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 101, 1-8 doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2020.03.040
- Harris S.J. Bray D.P. Adamek M. Hulse D. R. Steinhagen D. Hoole D. (2020) Impact of β-1/3,1/6-glucan upon immune responses and bacteria in the gut of healthy common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Journal of Fish Biology 96(2):444-455. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14222
- Troszok A. Kolek L. Szczygieł J. Ostrowski T. Adamek M. and Irnazarow I. (2019) Anti-CyHV-3 effect of fluorescent, tricyclic derivative of acyclovir 6-(4-MeOPh)-TACV in vitro. Journal of Veterinary Research 63(4):513-518, doi.org/10.2478/jvetres-2019-0065
- Jung-Schroers V. Harris S. Adamek M. Jung A. Steinhagen D. (2019) More is not always better - The influence of different concentrations of dietary β-glucan on the intestinal microbiota of tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii). Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 39(3), 119.
- Dietrich M.A. Irnazarow I. Inglot M. Adamek M. Jurecka P. Steinhagen D. Ciereszko A. (2019) Hormonal stimulation of carp is accompanied by changes in seminal plasma proteins associated with the immune and stress responses. Journal of proteomics 202, 103369.
- Adamek M. Teitge F. Steinhagen D. (2019) Quantitative diagnostics of gill diseases in common carp - not as simple as it seems. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 134, 197–207.
- Rakus K.* Adamek M.* Mojżesz M. Podlasz P. Chmielewska-Krzesińska M. Naumowicz K. Kasica-Jarosz N. Kłak K. Rakers S. Way K. Steinhagen D. Chadzińska M. (2019) Evaluation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an animal model for the viral infections of fish. Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 923–934. *Joint first authors.
- Adamek M. Matras M. Dawson A. Piackova V. Gela D. Kocour M. Adamek J. Kaminski R. Rakus K. Bergmann S.M. Stachnik M. Reichert M. Steinhagen D. (2019) Type I interferon responses of common carp strains with different levels of resistance to koi herpesvirus disease during infection with CyHV-3 or SVCV. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 87, 809-819.
- Fux R. Arndt D. Langenmayer M.C. Schwaiger J. Ferling H. Fischer N. Indenbirken D. Grundhoff A. Dölken L. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Sutter G. (2019) Piscine Orthoreovirus 3 Is Not the Causative Pathogen of Proliferative Darkening Syndrome (PDS) of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario). Viruses, 11, 112.
- Adamek M. Hellmann J. Flamm A. Teitge F. Vendramin N. Fey D. Riße K. Blakey F. Rimstad E. Steinhagen D. (2019) Detection of piscine orthoreoviruses (PRV-1 and PRV-3) in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout farmed in Germany. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 66, 14–21
- Miest, J.J. Politis S.N. Adamek M. Tomkiewicz J. Butts I.A.E. (2019) Molecular ontogeny of larval immunity in European eel at increasing temperatures. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 87, 105–119.
- Syakuri H. Adamek M. Jung-Schroers V. Matras M. Reichert M. Schröder B. Breves G. Steinhagen D. (2019) Glucose uptake in the intestine of the common carp Cyprinus carpio: Indications for the involvement of the sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter 1 and its modulation under pathogen infection. Aquaculture 501, 169–177.
- Jung-Schroers V.* Adamek M.* Boley A. Korshun A, Steinhagen D. (2019) Influence of a Membrane-Denitrification Reactor on the microbial community of an aquaculture recirculation system (RAS). Journal of Fish Diseases. 42:141–146. *Joint first authors.
- Bauer J. Teitge F. Neffe L. Adamek M. Jung A. Peppler C. Steinhagen D. Jung-Schroers V. (2018) Recommendations for identifying pathogenic Vibrio spp. as part of disease surveillance programmes in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems for Pacific White Shrimps (Litopannaeus vannamei). Journal of Fish Diseases. 41, 1877-1897.
- Troszok A. Kolek L. Szczygieł J. Wawrzeczko J. Borzym E. Reichert M. Kamińska T. Ostrowski T. Jurecka P. Adamek M. Rakus K. Irnazarow I. (2018) Acyclovir inhibits Cyprinid herpesvirus - 3 multiplication in vitro. Journal of Fish Diseases. 41, 1709–1718.
- Adamek M. Teitge F. Jung-Schroers V. Heling M. Gela D. Piackova V. Kocour M. Steinhagen D. (2018) Flavobacteria as secondary pathogens in carp suffering from koi sleepy disease. Journal of Fish Diseases. 41, 1631–1642.
- Rakers S. Ondrusch A.K. Martina Gruening M. Adamek M. Moeckel B. and Gebert M. (2018) Monitoring changing cellular characteristics during the development of a fin cell line from Cyprinus carpio. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 225 (2018) 1–12.
- Dietrich M.A. Hliwa P. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Karol H. Ciereszko A. (2018) Acclimation to cold and warm temperatures is associated with differential expression of male carp blood proteins involved in acute phase and stress responses, and lipid metabolism. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 76, 305-315.
- 43. Jung-Schroers V. Adamek M. Harris S. Syakuri H. Jung A. Irnazarow I. Steinhagen D. (2018) Response of the intestinal mucosal barrier of carp (Cyprinus carpio) to a bacterial challenge by Aeromonas hydrophila intubation after feeding with β-1,3/1,6-glucan. Journal of Fish Diseases, 41, 1077–1092.
- Radosavljevic V.* Adamek M.* Milicevic V. Maksimovic-Zoric J. Steinhagen D. (2018) Occurrence of two novel viral pathogens (CEV and CyHV-2) affecting Serbian cyprinid aquaculture and ichthyofauna. Journal of Fish Diseases, 41, 851-854. *Joint first authors.
- Beck A. Jordan L.K. Herlitze S. Amtmann A. Christian J. Brogden G. Adamek M. Naim H.Y. Becker A.M. (2018) Quantification of sterols from carp cell lines by using HPLC–MS. Separation Science Plus, 1, 11-21.
- Adamek M. Baska F. Vincze B. Steinhagen D. (2018) The presence of carp edema virus from three genogroups in common carp in Hungary. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2018, 41, 463–468.
- Adamek M. Hellmann J. Jung-Schroers V. Teitge F. Steinhagen D. (2018) CyHV-2 transmission in traded goldfish stocks in Germany – a case study. Journal of Fish Diseases, 41; 401–404.
- Adamek M. Hazerli D. Matras M. Teitge F. Reichert M. Steinhagen D. (2017) Viral infections in common carp lead to a disturbance of mucin expression in mucosal tissues. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 71, 353–358.
- Way K. Haenen O. Stone D. Adamek M. Bergmann S.M. Bigarré L. Diserens N. El-Matbouli M. Gjessing M.C. Jung-Schroers V. Leguay E, Matras M. Olesen N.J. Panzarin V. Piačková V. Toffan V. Vendramin N. Veselý V. Waltzek T. (2017) The emergence of carp edema virus (CEV) and its significance to European common carp and koi, Cyprinus carpio. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 126, 155-166.
- Adamek M. Matras M. Jung-Schroers V. Teitge F. Heling M. Bergmann S.M. Reichert M. Way K. Stone D.M. Steinhagen D. (2017) Comparison of PCR methods for the detection of genetic variants of carp edema virus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 126, 75-81.
- Nynca J. Adamek M. Ciereszko A. (2017) Identification of differentially expressed proteins in testicular semen of sex-reversed female (XX) and normal male (XY) rainbow trout. J. Anim. Sci. 95(7):3173-3183.
- Nynca J. Dietrich M.A. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Bilińska B. Hejmej A. Ciereszko A. (2017) Purification, characterization and expression of transferrin from rainbow trout seminal plasma. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 208–209:38-46.
- Kullmann B. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Thiel R. (2017) Anthropogenic spreading of anguillid herpesvirus 1 (AngHV 1) by stocking of infected farmed European eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in the Schlei fjord in northern Germany Journal of Fish Diseases, 40, 1695–1706.
- Boley A. Korshun G. Boley S. Jung-Schroers V. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Richter S. (2017) A new reactor for denitrification and micro-particle removal in recirculated aquaculture systems. Water Science and Technology, 75(5), 1204-1210.
- Adamek M. Oschilewski A. Wohlsein P. Jung-Schroers V. Teitge F. Dawson A. Gela D. Piackova V. Kocour M. Adamek J. Bergmann S.M. Steinhagen D. (2017) Experimental infections of different carp strains with the carp edema virus (CEV) give insights into the infection biology of the virus and indicate possible solutions to problems caused by koi sleepy disease (KSD) in carp aquaculture. Veterinary Research, 48, 12.
- Dietrich M.A. Słowińska M. Karol H. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Hejmej A. Bilińska B. Ciereszko A. (2017) Serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 2 is expressed in the male reproductive tract of carp with a possible role in antimicrobial protection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 60:150-163.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2008-2016
- Steinhagen D. Jung-Schroers V. Adamek M. (2016) Impact of cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (Koi herpesvirus) on wild and cultured fish. CAB Reviews, 2016, 11, 041, pp 1-10.
- Jung-Schroers V. Adamek M. Wohlsein P. Wolter J. Wedekind H. Steinhagen D. (2016) First outbreak of an infection with infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) in ornamental fish in Germany. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 119, 239–244.
- Adamek M. Jung-Schroers V. Hellmann J. Teitge F. Bergmann S.M. Runge M. Kleingeld D.W. Way K Stone D.M. Steinhagen D. (2016) Concentration of carp edema virus (CEV) DNA in koi tissues affected by koi sleepy disease (KSD). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 119, 245–251.
- Jung-Schroers V. Adamek M. Jung A. Harris S. Dóza Ö.S. Baumer A. Steinhagen D. (2016) Feeding of β-1,3/1,6-glucan increases the diversity of the intestinal microflora of carp (Cyprinus carpio). Aquaculture Nutrition, 22, 1026–1039.
- Fabian M. Baumer A. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. (2016) Transmission of Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 by wild fish species - results from infection experiments. Journal of Fish Diseases, 39, 625–628.
- Miest J.J. Arndt C. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Reusch T. (2016) Dietary β -glucan (MacroGard®) enhances survival of first feeding turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae by altering immunity, metabolism and microbiota. Fish and shellfish Immunology, 48, 94-104.
- Dietrich M.A. Nynca J. Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Karol H. Ciereszko A. (2015) Expression of apolipoprotein A-I and A-II in rainbow trout reproductive tract and their possible role in antibacterial defence. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 45, 750-756.
- Brogden G.* Adamek M.* Propsting M. Reiner U. Naim H.Y. Steinhagen D. (2015) Cholesterol-rich lipid rafts play important role in Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 replication cycle. Veterinary Microbiology, 179, 204–212. *Joint first authors.
- Jung-Schroers V.* Adamek M.* Teitge F. Hellmann J. Bergmann S.M. Kleingeld D.W. Way K. Stone D. Runge M. Keller B. Hesami S. Waltzek T. Steinhagen D. (2015) Another potential carp killer? – Carp Edema Virus disease in Germany. BMC Veterinary Research 2015, 11:114. *Joint first authors.
- Miest J.J. Adamek M. Pionnier N. Harris S. Matras M. Rakus K.Ł. Irnazarow I. Steinhagen D. Hoole D. (2015) Differential effects of Alloherpesvirus CyHV-3 and Rhabdovirus SVCV on apoptosis in fish cells. Veterinary Microbiology, 176 (2015) 19–31.
- Adamek M. Rauch G. Brogden G. Steinhagen D. (2014) Small interfering RNA treatment can inhibit Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 associated cell death in vitro. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 17 (4), 733-735.
- Dietrich M.A. Adamek M. Bilińska B. Hejmej A. Steinhagen D. Ciereszko A. (2014) Characterization, expression and antibacterial properties of apolipoproteins A from carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) seminal plasma. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 41, 389-401.
- Adamek M. Rakus K.Ł. Brogden G. Matras M. Chyb J. Hirono I. Kondo H. Aoki T. Irnazarow I. Steinhagen D. (2014) Interaction between type I interferon and Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 in two different genetic lines of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 111, 107–118.
- Pionnier N. Adamek M. Miest J.J. Harris S.J. Matras M. Rakus K.Ł. Irnazarow I. Hoole D. (2014) CRP and complement as acute phase reactants in common carp Cyprinus carpio during CyHV-3 infection. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 109, 187-199.
- Huang Y. Adamek M. Walker C. Runge M. Steinhagen D. (2014) In vitro cytotoxicity and multiplex PCR detection of virulence factors of Yersinia ruckeri isolated from rainbow trout in North West Germany. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 127(5-6):233-42.
- Brogden G. Krimmling T. Adamek M. Naim H.Y. Steinhagen D. von Köckritz-Blickwede M. (2014) The effect of β-glucan on formation and functionality of neutrophil extracellular traps in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 44, 280-285.
- Adamek M. Steinhagen D. Irnazarow I. Hikima J. Jung T.S. Aoki T. (2014) Biology and host response to Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 infection in common carp. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 43, 151–159.
- Brogden G. Propsting M. Adamek M. Naim H.Y. Steinhagen D. (2014) Isolation and analysis of membrane lipids and lipid rafts in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 169, 9–15.
- Syakuri H. Jung-Schroers V. Adamek M. Brogden G. Steinhagen D. (2014) Beta-glucan feeding differentiated the regulation of mRNA expression of claudin genes and prevented an intestinal inflammatory response post Aeromonas hydrophila intubation in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Journal of Fish Diseases, 37, 149–156.
- Baums C.G. Hermeyer K. Ohlemeyer S. Adamek M. Czerny C.P. Hörstgen-Schwark G. Valentin-Weigand P. Baumgärtner W. Steinhagen D. (2013) Establishment of a Model of Streptococcus iniae Meningoencephalitis in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Journal of Comparative Pathology,149(1):94-102.
- Adamek M. Syakuri H. Harris S. Rakus K.Ł. Brogden G. Matras M. Irnazarow I. Steinhagen D. (2013) Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 infection disrupts the skin barrier of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Veterinary Microbiology, 162, 456-470.
- Syakuri H. Adamek M. Brogden G. Rakus K.Ł. Matras M. Irnazarow I. Steinhagen D. (2013) Intestinal barrier of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) during a Cyprinid Herpesvirus 3-infection: Molecular identification and regulation of the mRNA expression of claudin encoding genes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 34, 305-314.
- Brogden G. von Köckritz-Blickwede M. Adamek M. Reuner F. Jung-Schroers V. Naim H.Y. Steinhagen D. (2012) β-glucan protects neutrophil extracellular traps against degradation by Aeromonas hydrophila in carp (Cyprinus carpio). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 33, 1060-4.
- Adamek M. Rakus K.Ł. Chyb J. Brogden G. Huebner A. Irnazarow I. Steinhagen D. (2012) Interferon type I responses to virus infections in carp cells: in vitro studies on Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 and Rhabdovirus carpio infections. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 33, 482-93.
- Rakus K.Ł. Irnazarow I. Adamek M. Palmeira L. Kawana Y. Hirono I. Kondo H. Matras M. Steinhagen D. Flasz B. Brogden G. Vanderplasschen A. Aoki T. (2012) Gene expression analysis of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) lines during Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 infection yields insights into differential immune responses. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 37, 65-76.
- van der Marel M.* Adamek M.* Gonzalez S.F. Frost P. Rombout J.H.W.M. Wiegertjes GF, Steinhagen D. (2012) Molecular cloning and expression of two B-defensin and two mucin genes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and their up-regulation after B-glucan feeding. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 32, 494-501. *Joint first authors.
- Rakus K.Ł. Wiegertjes G.F., Adamek M. Siwicki A.K. Lepa A. Irnazarow I. (2009) Resistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Cyprinid herpesvirus-3 is influenced by major histocompatibility (MH) class II B gene polymorphism. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 26, 737-43.
- Rakus K.Ł. Wiegertjes G.F. Adamek M. Bekh V. Stet R.J.M. Irnazarow I. (2008) Application of PCR-RF-SSCP to study major histocompatibility class II B polymorphism in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 24, 734-744.
- Chyb J. Mikolajczyk T. Sokolowska-Mikolajczyk M. Socha M. Szczerbik P. Biedroń D. Dębowska M. Kasiuk M. Madej J. Podczerwińska E. Adamek M. Epler P. (2008) Effects of non-steroidal gonadal factors on LH secretion in female common carp during the reproductive cycle. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 53, 398-403.
- European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP)
- Editorial Board Journal of Fish Diseases
Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Abteilung Fischkrankheiten und Fischhaltung
Bünteweg 17, Gebäude 227
30559 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 953-8889
Fax: +49 511 856-953-8587
Abteilung Fischkrankheiten und Fischhaltung
Geschäftszimmer, Patricia Lowles
Montag bis Freitag: 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr
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Navi-Adresse: Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover
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von Süden
Auf dem Messeschnellweg (A37) Richtung Celle an der Ausfahrt Bult rechts Richtung Bemerode abbiegen. Der Bünteweg zweigt hinter der Eisenbahnunterführung nach links ab. Der TiHo-Tower befindet sich an der Ecke Bemeroder Straße/Bünteweg. Die Einfahrt zum Bünteweg 17 befindet sich vom TiHo-Tower aus nach etwa 600 Metern auf der rechten Straßenseite.
Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
Vom Hauptbahnhof mit den U-Bahn-Linien 1 (Richtung Laatzen/Sarstedt), 2 (Richtung Rethen) oder 8 (Richtung Messe/Nord) zwei Stationen bis zum Aegidientorplatz fahren. Am Aegidientorplatz umsteigen und mit der Linie 6 (Richtung Messe/Ost) bis zur Haltestelle Bünteweg/Tierärztliche Hochschule fahren. Die Haltestelle befindet sich direkt vor dem Verwaltungsgebäude (TiHo-Tower, Bünteweg 2) der Hochschule. Die Einfahrt zum Bünteweg 17 befindet sich vom TiHo-Tower aus nach etwa 600 Metern auf der rechten Straßenseite.
Anreise mit dem Auto
von Norden/Westen/Osten
Auf dem Messeschnellweg (A37) Richtung Süden (Messe) fahren und an der Ausfahrt Bult den Schnellweg verlassen. Danach links abbiegen und dem Straßenverlauf Richtung Bemerode folgen. Der Bünteweg zweigt hinter der Eisenbahnunterführung nach links ab. Der TiHo-Tower befindet sich an der Ecke Bemeroder Straße/Bünteweg. Die Einfahrt zum Bünteweg 17 befindet sich vom TiHo-Tower aus nach etwa 600 Metern auf der rechten Straßenseite.
von Süden
Auf dem Messeschnellweg (A37) Richtung Celle an der Ausfahrt Bult rechts Richtung Bemerode abbiegen. Der Bünteweg zweigt hinter der Eisenbahnunterführung nach links ab. Der TiHo-Tower befindet sich an der Ecke Bemeroder Straße/Bünteweg. Die Einfahrt zum Bünteweg 17 befindet sich vom TiHo-Tower aus nach etwa 600 Metern auf der rechten Straßenseite.