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Kemper, N., & Visscher, C. (2023). Wohlergehen der Tiere steht an erster Stelle: Antibiotikaeinsatz in der Geflügelhaltung – was haben wir für Alternativen? Geflügeljahrbuch, 24–29.
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Lingens, J. B., Visscher, C., Sürie, C., Grone, R., von Felde, A., Wilke, V., & Abd El-Wahab, A. (2023). Effect of replacing whole wheat with broken rye as a sustainable grain in diets of fattening turkeys on growth performance, litter quality, and foot pad health. Frontiers in veterinary science, 10.
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Riedel, A., Canci, M., Spindler, B., & Kemper, N. (2023). Influence of an automatic enrichment device on laying hen behavior and plumage condition. Animals, 13(6).
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Volkmann, N., Riedel, A., Spindler, B., & Kemper, N. (2023). Applied research note: comparison of different methods for beak measurements in laying hens. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32(4).
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Wilke, V., Gickel, J., & Visscher, C. (2023). Monitoring of performance-based environmental impacts of substituting soybean meal with rapeseed meal in the rye-based diet of weaned pigs. Sustainability, 15(3).
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Windhorst, H.-W. (2023). Patterns and dynamics of global turkey meat production and trade: Part 1: Turkey meat production. Zootecnica International: Monthly Journal of Poultry Science and Breeding Technology, 45(2), 20–24.
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Windhorst, H.-W. (2023). Delta Egg Farms - wegweisend in den USA. DGS: Das Magazin für die Geflügelwirtschaft, 75(2), 41–43.
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Windhorst, H.-W. (2023). Verbrauch von Schweinefleisch sinkt: eine Prognose für die Entwicklung der globalen Fleischerzeugung bis 2031. Fleischwirtschaft, 103(2), 18–23.
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Windhorst, H.-W. (2023). 2022 war Vieles anders: eine Dokumentation und Analyse des AI-Seuchenzuges in den USA. Fleischwirtschaft, 103(4), 42–46.
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Grone, R., Heuer, C.-H., von Felde, A., Gickel, J., & Visscher, C. (2023). Hybrid rye as sustainable crop for livestock production.
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Koether, K., Sielhorst, J., Blanco, M., Volkmann, N., Kemper, N., de Mestre, A. M., & Sieme, H. (2023). Pregnancy outcome, placental and foal birth weights on a large warmblood stud. In XXIII Conferência Anual ABRAVEQ 2023: Anais científivos.
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Riedel Katharina, A., Canci, M., Kemper, N., & Spindler, B. (2023). Better with charcoal? Preferences of organic laying hens for pecking blocks with and without charcoal particles. In M. Lichovníková & P. Trevil (Eds.), XI European Symposium on Poultry Welfare: Proceedings : Prague, Czech Republic, 26–29 June 2023. GUARANT International.
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Riedel, A. K., Spindler, B., & Kemper, N. (2023). Something to stay for? Does an automatic enrichment device increase the attractiveness of a winter garden for laying hens? In M. Lichovníková & P. Trevil (Eds.), XI European Symposium on Poultry Welfare: Proceedings : Prague, Czech Republic, 26–29 June 2023. GUARANT International.
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Riedel, A., Kemper, N., & Spindler, B. (2023). Plumage condition in organic laying hens of different weight classes. In World Veterinary Poultry Association (Ed.), XXIInd Congress of the WVPA, Verona (Italy) September 4-8, 2023: Book of abstracts.
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Spindler, B., Volkmann, N., Riedel, A. K., & Kemper, N. (2023). Occurrence of keel bone damage in German laying hens: a retrospective study. In M. Lichovníková & P. Trevil (Eds.), XI European Symposium on Poultry Welfare: Proceedings : Prague, Czech Republic, 26–29 June 2023. GUARANT International.
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Volkmann, N., Riedel, A., Kemper, N., & Spindler, B. (2023). Eine Frage der Einstreu? Mögliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Fußballengesundheit von Legehennen. In Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (Ed.), Tagung der DVG-Fachgruppe Umwelt- und Tierhygiene 05. bis 06. Oktober 2023. Verlag der DVG Service GmbH.
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Volkmann, N., Riedel, A., Kemper, N., & Spindler, B. (2023). What impairs laying hens’ foot health? A retrospective German study. In Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science: EAAP Book of Abstracts, Volume 29. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
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Volkmann, N., Riedel, A. K., Kemper, N., & Spindler, B. (2023). Are the results of different methods of break measurement comparable? In M. Lichovníková & P. Trevil (Eds.), XI European Symposium on Poultry Welfare: Proceedings : Prague, Czech Republic, 26–29 June 2023. GUARANT International.
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Volkmann, N., Riedel, A., Kemper, N., & Spindler, B. (2023). Risk factors associated with food pad dermatitis in German laying hens: a retrospective study. In World Veterinary Poultry Association (Ed.), XXIInd Congress of the WVPA, Verona (Italy) September 4-8, 2023: Book of abstracts.
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