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Social counselling of the Studentenwerk at TiHo

Dear students!

The social counselling of the Studentenwerk Hannover takes place in the TiHo:

You can get advice every Friday from 11:00 to 13:00.

Campus Bischofsholer Damm, building 130 opposite the Caballus refectory

Appointments can be made via the Studentenwerk online portal. Appointments made through this diary are limited to a maximum of 20 minutes. If you would like to discuss a longer issue (e.g. complex student finance issues or the topic of "Studying with children"), please make an appointment by telephone or email for a personal consultation, where sufficient time will be available.

Book an appointment

Social Councelling
Lodyweg 1C
30167 Hannover
+49 511 76-88 919
+49 511 76-88 935
+49 511  76-88 922



Psychological-Therapeutic Counselling for Students

The Psychological-Therapeutic Counselling supports and advises TiHo students with psychosocial problems such as:

  •     Difficulties in studying
  •     Exam nerves
  •     Graduation
  •     orientation problems
  •     Relationship problems
  •     Loneliness
  •     Psychosomatic complaints
  •     Depressive phases

Dates: every last Friday of the month 9.00 am to 11.00 am without registration:

  • 25.10.2024
  • 29.11.2024
  • 13.12.2024
  • 31.01.2025

Where?  NEW!!!: Campus Bischofsholer Damm, Building 130 opposite Mensa Caballus

Tel. +49 511 7623799

[Translate to English:] Schriftzug ptb
[Translate to English:] Studierende mit Rettungsring

Equal Opportunities Officer

Dr. Beate Pöttmann
Personalentwicklung; stellv. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
direct dial
+49 511 953-8012
+49 511 953-82 8012


Martina Rutkowski
Assistenz; Gleichstellungsbüro
direct dial
+49 511 953-7981
+49 511 953-82 7981