Award of the Brigitte u. Prof. Dr. Reiner Müller-Peddinghaus Foundation

Menschen in Talar werfen ihre Hüte in die Höhe

Brigitte and Professor Dr. Reiner Müller-Peddinghaus want to help young, talented people follow their path without failing due to financial hurdles. With their foundation, which was established in 2018, they are dedicated to promoting music and research. The development of basic research at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation, which has been a pleasing development for many years, is to be specifically supported in the form of doctoral awards and doctoral scholarships.

The Founders
Professor Dr. Reiner Müller-Peddinghaus studied, received his doctorate and habilitated at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. During his doctoral studies and subsequent postgraduate studies, he was supported by the German Academic Exchange Service and the Volkswagen Foundation. These experiences explain his desire to support young researchers. After his habilitation in the field of immunopathology at the Institute of Pathology of the TiHo, he worked for a long time in the research-based pharmaceutical industry. Together with his wife Brigitte he successfully founded a company. Brigitte Müller-Peddinghaus studied graphics and design. For most of her life she was active as a graphic designer. For many years, together with her husband, she accompanied the successful founding of the company and contributed to its success with her skillful graphic design.

The Awards
At the TiHo, the Brigitte and Prof. Dr. Reiner Müller-Peddinghaus Foundation annually awards two doctoral awards:

  • For an excellent dissertation that concludes with the Doctor medicinae veterinariae (Dr. med. vet.), the foundation offers a award endowed with 3,000 euros for the winter doctorate.
  • Within the framework of the doctoral programs, the Foundation for the Summer Doctorate awards an excellent PhD thesis or an excellent thesis that concludes with the Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.). This award is endowed with 3,000 euros.

Application and deadlines
The prizes are offered for excellent basic science-oriented dissertations from the following institutes:

  • Institute of Pathology
  • Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharamceutics
  • Institute of Microbiology
  • Institute of Virology
  • Institute of Physiology
  • Institute of Parasitology
  • Institute of Biochemistry
  • Research Center for Emerging Infections and Zoonoses (RIZ)
  • Anatomical Institute

Preference is given to interdisciplinary work. The habilitated staff members of the above mentioned institutes have the right to nominate candidates. A scientific advisory board decides on the awarding of the awards. Prerequisite for all applications is an overall evaluation with summa cum laude (equivalent to a grade of 1.0).

Both prizes are awarded annually, provided that correspondingly award-worthy work has been submitted. All doctoral or PhD students of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation whose doctoral thesis was written no longer than two semesters ago may participate in the competition for the prize. The dissertation must contain an excellent performance and can be submitted in German or English. If there are no proposals worthy of an award, the award will not be granted. Dissertations that have already received other awards or that are scheduled for an award are excluded from the competition. In exceptional cases, the award may be given twice.

The application is to be submitted to the President of the TiHo in electronic form usually twelve weeks before the date of the ceremonial graduation. In addition to a review, the doctoral candidate's curriculum vitae and the electronic version of the doctoral thesis with any required publications must be submitted. For dissertations in the PhD or Dr. rer. nat. programs, a meaningful synopsis of the dissertation of at least two pages is requested, including the required publications regarding intention, the techniques used, and the student's own results.

The scientific advisory board of the Brigitte and Prof. Dr. Reiner Müller-Peddinghaus Foundation decides on the award. The award is presented by the president of the TiHo on the occasion of a festive graduation ceremony and the prize money is paid out by the foundation.
Further information can be found at