
With Actionbound, digital scavenger hunts, quizzes, or educational tours can be created for students. The 'gamification' used in Actionbound promotes learning and encourages motivation and excitement among students. The scavenger hunts ('Bounds') can consist of a wide range of elements such as quizzes, tasks, surveys, etc., and can be designed for individuals or groups of students. The Bounds can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet by students and can then be played from anywhere.

If you want to use Actionbound for your teaching, you can do so, for example, via the Academic Cloud. After logging into the Academic Cloud, you can simply click on the Actionbound tile. You will then be automatically registered with your university credentials at Actionbound and added to the TiHo license.
Alternatively, you can send a request to the contact persons for Actionbound listed below or an email to Subsequently, you will receive an invitation to the platform with the corresponding link via email.


QuizAcademy is a platform through which you can convey and assess knowledge in the form of quizzes, surveys, or flashcards. The progress of students can be extensively evaluated and analyzed. Learners can access content directly on the webpage or via the app. Various modes such as live events, exams, or competition modules are offered.

TiHo publications on Actionbound

  • Neßler J, Müller LR, Tipold A. Mobiles Lernen in der veterinärmedizinischen Lehre - Fallbasierte Schnitzeljagd mit der App Actionbound. Kleintierpraxis. 2021;66(11/2021):683.
  • Neßler J, Schaper E, Tipold A. Proof of Concept: Game-Based Mobile Learning-The First Experience With the App Actionbound as Case-Based Geocaching in Education of Veterinary Neurology. Frontiers in veterinary science. 2021;8. doi:10.3389/fvets.2021.753903

A quick guide for lecturers on creating a scavenger hunt with Actionbound, as well as a sample Bound, are available on the intranet website and in TiHoMoodle under #Lehre/Game Based Learning.

If you have any questions about Actionbound or QuizAcademy, please contact:

Dr. Robin Richter (Tel: +49 511 953 8059)