Generative AI for science: The GWDG's LLM service

The GWDG (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen) offers its own chatbot service with various LLMs (Large Language Models) in the Academic Cloud. This service provides access to generative AI models using university credentials, without the need for an additional account. Three of the currently offered five chatbots ensure data privacy: the input and responses are stored locally on the user's device within a single session and are immediately deleted afterwards. Only when using the OpenAI services GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 (each labeled 'External'), input data is collected by OpenAI.

This GWDG service is actively under development. Further and in some cases more complex models, which e.g. are able to generate images from text inputs, will soon be available.

Access is available here, please login via the Academic Cloud with your university credentials. Click on the 'Chat AI' tile. The desired chatbot can then be selected under 'Select Model' at the bottom of the page.

elan e.V. self-study courses on AI

The elan e.V. offers three self-study courses in German on the topic of "AI in Higher Education". The first two courses are aimed at lecturers, while the last course is primarily designed for students.

More information on the courses can be found here:

You can find instructions on how to register for the online courses on the German version of this page.

In Moodle, information on the use of AI in teaching/studying is available for lecturers and students in the #Lehre and #E-Learning courses.