TiHo, Clever Tor, Ende 19. Jahrhundert
1778 Foundation of the Königliche Roß-Arzney-Schule on instruction of George III, King of Great Britain and Elector of Hanover at the Clever Tor outside the city walls of Hannover; First teacher: Oberhof horse doctor Johann Adam Kersting
1887 Elevation of the Royal Veterinary School in Hannover to the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
1899 Transfer of the university from the Clever Tor to the Braunschweiger Platz location
1903 High school graduate is required to begin studies at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
1910 The TiHo receives the right to award doctorates
1913 Introduction of the rectorate constitution
1918 The TiHo receives the right to award post-doctoral degrees
1926 Expansion of the grounds at Bischofsholer Damm
1926 Purchase of the Adendorf manor near Lüneburg as teaching manor
1938 Foundation of the School of Veterinary Medical Technical Assistants
1953 Purchase of the Westfalenhofs at the Bünteweg in Kirchrode
1961 Exchange of the Adendorf manor for the former Ruthe domain at Sarstedt as teaching and research estate
1969 For the first time in Germany: establishment of biennial postgraduate study
1974 The EU reference laboratory is located at the TiHo
1974 Establishment of the WHO center "Veterinary Public Health", an institution of the World Health Organization (WHO)
1991 Foundation of the branch for epidemiology in Bakum
1998 The TiHo is the first German university to introduce a PhD program Introduction of the presidential constitution
2002 Introduction of the presidential constitution
2003 Transformation of the university into the legal status of a foundation under public law
2003 225th anniversary celebration
2003 Introduction of the PhD program "Neuroscience Systems"
2004 Introduction of the Bachelor’s program in Biology
2006 Introduction of the Master’s program "Animal Biology and Biomedical Sciences"
2009 Move into the clinic at the Bünteweg
2010 Opening of the Caballus mensa at the Bischofsholer Damm campus
2011 Introduction of the PhD program "Animal and Zoonotic Infections"
2011 Foundation of the Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research with a branch in Büsum