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Online seminars provided by the E-Learning Service

Seminars in a new format: Please note the day, date and time. Seminars are mostly held in German.

Next seminar:

30.10.2024    1 P.M.
Tools in der Academic Cloud: AC Hub & Mastodon
(Tools in the Academic Cloud: AC Hub & Mastodon)
Eva Weber, Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak


Further seminars:

05.11.2024    5 P.M.
Tools in der Academic Cloud: AC Hub & Mastodon (Wdh.)
(Tools in the Academic Cloud: AC Hub & Mastodon (repetition))
Eva Weber, Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak


Seminars already held:

17.10.2024    5 P.M.
MS-Teams: Breakout-Rooms und Whiteboard (Wdh.)
(MS-Teams: Breakout-Rooms and Whiteboard (repetition))
Dr. Robin Richter

16.10.2024    1 P.M.
MS-Teams: Breakout-Rooms und Whiteboard
(MS-Teams: Breakout-Rooms and Whiteboard)
Dr. Robin Richter

09.10.2024    1 P.M.
Aufgaben und Ziele der EAEVE
(Tasks and objectives of the EAEVE)
Dr. Elisabeth Schaper, Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

08.10.2024    5 P.M.
TiHoMoodle - Aktivitätsabschlüsse und Voraussetzungen (Wdh.)
(TiHoMoodle - Activity completions and access restrictions (repetition))
Simone Ephan, Johanna Hoischen

02.10.2024    1 P.M.
TiHoMoodle - Aktivitätsabschlüsse und Voraussetzungen
(TiHoMoodle - Activity completions and access restrictions)
Simone Ephan, Johanna Hoischen

26.09.2024    5 P.M.
Digitale Barrieren abbauen und vermeiden (Wdh.)
(Reducing and avoiding digital barriers (repetition))
Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak

25.09.2024    1 P.M.
Digitale Barrieren abbauen und vermeiden
(Reducing and avoiding digital barriers)
Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak

19.09.2024    5 P.M.
TiHoMoodle - Einführung für Einsteiger*innen (Wdh.)
(TiHoMoodle - Introduction for beginners (repetition))
Simone Ephan, Johanna Hoischen

18.09.2024    1 P.M.
TiHoMoodle - Einführung für Einsteiger*innen
(TiHoMoodle - Introduction for beginners)
Simone Ephan, Johanna Hoischen

25.07.2024    5. P.M.
Eingabe von Key Feature-Fragen und Aufgabengruppen in Q-Exam (Wdh.)
(Submitting key feature questions and groups of questions in Q-Exam (repetition))
Dr. Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

23.07.2024    5 P.M. - 5:45 P.M.
Die Academic Cloud: Überblick und Exkurs KI-Funktionen (Wdh.)
(The Academic Cloud: overview and digression on AI functions (repetition))
Dr. Marina Ille

10.07.2024    1 P.M.
Vor- und Nachteile von Blended-Learning
(Advantages and disadvantages of blended learning)
Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

03.07.2024    1 P.M.
Didaktisches Rahmenmodell zur Lehrveranstaltungsplanung
(Didactic framework model for course planning)
Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

26.06.2024 1 P.M. - 1:45 P.M.
Die Academic Cloud: Überblick und Exkurs KI-Funktionen
(The Academic Cloud: overview and digression on AI functions)
Dr. Marina Ille

19.06.2024    1 P.M. 
Post-Review-Prozesse in elektronischen Prüfungen
(Post review processes for electronic examinations)
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

12.06.2024    1 P.M.  
Item- und Distraktorenanalyse in Q-Exam
(Item and distractor analysis in Q-Exam)
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

05.06.2024    1 P.M. 
Lösungshinweise in Multiple-Choice-Fragen vermeiden  (Zielgruppe: neue Prüfungsfragen-Autor*innen)
(Avoiding clueing in multiple choice questions (Target audience: new exam question authors))
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

29.05.2024 1:30 P.M. - 2 P. M.
Frageneingabe in Q-Exam (Zielgruppe: neue Prüfungsfragen-Autor*innen)
(Submitting questions in Q-Exam (Target audience: new exam question authors))
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

29.05.2024    1 P.M. 
Fragenformate und Anforderungen für E-Prüfungen (Zielgruppe: neue Prüfungsfragen-Autor*innen)
(Question formats and requirements for e-exams (Target audience: new exam question authors))
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

23.05.2024    5 P.M. 
Neuerungen Q-Exam Institution Version 1.68
(New features and alterations in Q-Exam Institution version 1.68)
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

22.05.2024    1 P.M.
Grundlagen der Evaluationsplanung
(Basics of evaluation planning)
Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak

08.05.2024    1 P.M. 
Eingabe von Key Feature-Fragen und Aufgabengruppen in Q-Exam
(Submitting key feature questions and groups of questions in Q-Exam (Target audience: new exam question authors))
Robin Richter, Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

07.05.2024   4:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
JoVE – Videos für die Lehre (Wdh.)
(JoVE - Videos for teaching (repetition))
Ferdjellah Medjdoub (JoVE)

24.04.2024   1 P.M. - 2 P.M.
JoVE – Videos für die Lehre
(JoVE - Videos for teaching)
Ferdjellah Medjdoub (JoVE)

18.04.2024   5 P.M.
Lernziele formulieren (Wdh.)
(Formulating learning objectives (repetition))
Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

17.04.2024   1 P.M.
Lernziele formulieren
(Formulating learning objectives)
Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

21.02.2024   1 P.M. - 2 P.M.
Mentimeter (Advanced Use) English
Mentimeter, Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

14.02.2024   1 P.M.
Digitale Barrieren
(Digital barriers)
Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak

07.02.2024   1 P.M. - 2 P.M.
Mentimeter (Introduction) English
Mentimeter, Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen

31.01.2024   11 P.M.
Einbettung von Videos in TiHoMoodle Teil II
(Embedding videos in TiHoMoodle Part II)
Dr. Alicia Enzig-Strohm

25.01.2024   5 P.M.
Strukturierte mündliche Prüfungen (Wdh.)
(Structured Oral Examination (repetition))
Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

24.01.2024   1 P.M.
Strukturierte mündliche Prüfungen
(Structured Oral Examination)
Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

17.01.2024   1 P.M.
Einbettung von Videos in TiHoMoodle
(Embedding videos in TiHoMoodle Part I)
Dr. Alicia Enzig-Strohm

11.01.2024   5 P.M.
H5P – interaktive Anwendungsbeispiele I (Wdh.)
(H5P – interactive application examples I (repetition))
Simone Ephan, Johanna Hoischen

Further dates and topics will be announced later.