Podcasts are purely audio recordings without visual material.
The following podcasts are available to lecturers and students:
Oxidative Stress (English)
Professor Kankoffer (Lublin) explains the biochemical processes involved in oxidative stress in body cells in an interview.
This podcast is in English.
Oxidative Stress (6:48 min; 6,38 kB)
Neurological Examination (German)
Accompanying the proaedeutics lecture on the subject of 'Neurological Examination', Professor Dr. Tipold and Christoph Tenhaven have narrated the neurological examination procedure.
Speaker (Intro/Outro): Christoph Tenhaven
Speaker: Professor Dr. Andrea Tipold
Summary (7:21 min; 6,89 kB)
Part 1: Introduction (5:22 min; 5,04 kB)
Part 2: Cranial nerves (5:37 min; 5,27 kB)
Part 3: Postural, positional and spinal reflexes (6:47 min; 6,35 kB)
Learning to learn (German)
Introductory lecture for students of veterinary medicine, held at the TiHo Hannover and the VU Vienna.
Experience report from Dr. Ehlers, Professor Dr. Tipold (TiHo) und Veterinarian Gruber (VU Vienna)
Learning to learn (15:50 min; 14,85 kB)
Percussion of the lungs in horses (German)
From cassette to MP3: A cassette titled 'Lungenauskultation' was created by Boehringer Ingelheim in the 1980s.
Percussion of the lungs in horses - (22:36 min; 21,19 kB)
Interview with Professor Distl on the decoding of the horse genome (German)
On the occasion of the article in Science titled 'Genome Sequence, Comparative Analysis, and Population Genetics of the Domestic Horse' published on November 5, 2009, this interview was conducted.
Interview with Prof. Distl (14:43 min; 13,8 kB)
Music in the podcasts: Ad Hoc - 'La note en cage' from the album 'Toutes Directions' (licence information can be found here)