Electronic exams have been conducted at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover for several years. On this page, you will find information about electronic exams.
As part of the eCULT+ project (eCompetence and Utilities for Learners and Teachers), a brochure has been created for instructors in German with practical guidance on creating good multiple-choice questions.
A publication from our institution on the topic 'Evaluation of examination preparation methods in veterinary students' from 2020 by Dr. Felix Ehrich, Prof. Andrea Tipold, Prof. Jan P. Ehlers & Dr. Elisabeth Schaper was published in 'Tierärztliche Praxis' Volume 48 Issue 1 on pages 15–25 (https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1091-1981). In addition, a publication dealing with the topic of quality assurance measures and the evaluation of examinations was published in 2023 by Robin Richter, Prof. Andrea Tipold and Dr. Elisabeth Schaper in the Journal for Veterinary Medical Education (https://doi.org/10.3138/jvme-2023-0061).
For students, the following instructions, among others, are available on TiHoStudIS, on the intranet website, and in TiHoMoodle under #E-Learning/Prüfungswesen:
- Electronic demo exam
- Information on question formats in electronic exams
- Quick guides to question formats
- Instructions for using the calculator in e-exams
For lecturers, the following instructions, among others, are available on the intranet website and/or in TiHoMoodle under #Lehre/Prüfungswesen:
- Electronic demo exam
- Formal criteria for multiple-choice questions (MCQ)
- Quick guide for using the calculator in e-exams
- Quick guide for content review in Q-Exam
- Submitting questions in Q-Exam
- Further assistance for Q-Exam
- Submitting a key feature question in Q-Exam
- Editing key feature questions after negative review of a follow-up question
- Post-review by exam coordinators
- Creating question groups
- Compiling exams in Q-Exam
If you have any questions about electronic exams, please contact:
Dr. Elisabeth Schaper (Tel: +49 511 953 8036)