CASUS is an interactive, internet- and case-based learning and authoring system developed by the Instruct AG München primarily for human medicine, where it has gained widespread use. The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover heavily utilizes CASUS in both preclinical and clinical education.
In CASUS, 'virtual patients' or learning cases can be offered for self-study, independent of time and location. Learners can assess their progress through tasks (e.g., single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, free-text questions, etc.) with automated feedback immediately after submission. The results are available to lecturers for review and evaluation.
From the first semester, students can test their learning success in CASUS cases alongside anatomy lectures. As the study program progresses, CASUS cases from microbiology, virology, clinics, and food hygiene, among others, are added. Additionally, various clinics and institutes offer elective courses with CASUS.
Access to CASUS is course-based, meaning students need to be granted access to individual cases. This can be for the entire semester (e.g., cohort courses), specific subjects, or individual groups (e.g., elective courses). In the first semester, all students are invited to the cohort course via email to their TiHo address. Similarly, invitations to elective courses are sent via email at the beginning of the course. Registration proceeds step by step as instructed in the invitation email. The TiHo email address to which the invitation was sent serves as the login, and the password is self-selected (not the same as IDM/TiHo password).
We also explain the registration and use of CASUS in detail in this YouTube video: How to: Anmelden bei Casus.
Please note that installing Quicktime Player may be necessary under certain circumstances.
A Quick Guide for Students is stored in the intranet section of the homepage and in TiHoMoodle under #E-Learning.
Lecturers with questions about CASUS can find a Quick Guide for Lecturers in the intranet area as well as in TiHoMoodle under #Lehre.
If you have any questions about CASUS, please contact:
Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen (Tel: +49 511 953 8054)
Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak(Tel: +49 511 953 8056)