Audience Response Systems (ARS) can be used for a variety of applications. Knowledge assessment can activate prior knowledge, provide an overview of the current knowledge level of students, give feedback to lecturers and students about knowledge gaps, and increase students' intrinsic motivation. Additionally, direct feedback during an event, event evaluation by students, and the integration of questions and comments from students through a (moderated) chat wall are among the possible applications.
ARS are suitable for both digital and face-to-face events.
Software Solutions - Web-Based ARS
For these applications, participants require mobile devices (laptop, tablet, or smartphone). Web-based ARS can be used for both digital and face-to-face events. There is a wide range of free as well as low-cost systems available with various features to choose from.
Mentimeter offers diverse functions such as a live Q&A, quizzes and surveys of various types (multiple choice, word cloud, sliding bars, etc.) as well as reactions that can be set individually for each slide. There are many design templates that are appealingly styled and animated. Participants can easily take part by scanning a QR code with their smartphone - the software is also optimized for those. Mentimeter is suitable for face-to-face, hybrid or digital events.
Licenses are available upon request from the e-learning service.
Tweedback is an ARS developed by the University of Rostock, distinguished by its unique feature of 'panic buttons'. Through these buttons, students have the ability to provide real-time feedback during the event, indicating if things are 'too fast', 'too slow', 'too quiet', 'Please provide an example', 'repeat the last slide', or signal 'panic'.
Additional features:
- Chatwall: Participants can ask questions, which other participants can evaluate in real-time, allowing for prioritized responses. Multiple moderators can be designated.
- Quiz: Users can choose between quick selection (answer options with up to five choices (A-E)) and manually input questions and answer options. When using the free version, only single-choice questions are available.
Sessions in the free version are only open for 24 hours and cannot be exported.
Particify is free of charge, browser-based, and open source. It is suitable for knowledge assessment, gathering live feedback, and addressing student inquiries.
- Live Q&A: Participants can ask questions that other participants can rate in real-time, allowing for prioritized responses. Multiple moderators can be designated.
- Live Feedback: Enables quick, straightforward polling of the mood or asking a question with four answer options (A-D), where questions and answer options are not pre-formulated.
- Quizzes & Surveys: Series of questions can be created with the following question types: Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Free Text, Word Cloud, Sorting, Yes/No, Likert. Learning cards and/or slides can also be integrated into the question series. The presentation mode allows for presenting results directly in the browser.
Only the session creator needs to sign up on There is no limit on the number of participants. Questions can be prepared (except for Live Feedback) and reused. LaTeX and Markdown are also supported. The contents of the Q&A can be exported as .csv for backup.
PINGO (Peer Instruction for Very Large Groups) is a survey tool developed specifically for use in higher education by the University of Paderborn. It is free, browser-based, and specialized in questions - making it well-suited for this application. PINGO offers question formats such as Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Text/TagCloud, and Numerical Questions. Mathematical formulas can be integrated using LaTeX. Once created, questions are saved in a catalog, making them reusable and easily exportable or importable. Participants' responses can also be exported. 'Sessions' can be created and planned in advance, but 'Quick Sessions' can also be started spontaneously, where questions and answer options are not pre-formulated. There is no limit on the number of participants or questions.
Hardware Solutions
When using PowerVote®, participants receive a voting device with which they can answer prepared questions in real-time during in-person lectures or exercises. After answering each question, the responses are evaluated (in %, similar to "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"). Question creation is done through a plugin for Microsoft PowerPoint.
The PowerVote® system can only be used for in-person events.
300 voting devices are available for loan, divided into units of 50 each.
If you have any questions about the various voting systems, please contact:
Dr. Christin Kleinsorgen (Tel: +49 511 953 8054)