Service, materials and learning programs

[Translate to English:] VULKAN Villa der Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

Instructions and Assistance from the E-Learning Service

Students can find brief instructions for and assistance on various e-learning offers on the intranet websiteof ​​the TiHo homepage and in TiHoMoodle, under #E-Learning.

Instructions and assistance for lecturers can also be found on the intranet website and in TiHoMoodle under #Lehre. In addition, lecturers can find a 'method bar' for teaching  here, which was created as part of the 'KELDAT' project.

E-learning offers from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover can be found in the list to the right.

Services for Lecturers

The E-Learning Service of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover offers lecturers help in the following areas:

  • Advice for institutes and clinics on the creation of teaching content in tutorial programs (e.g. CASUS) and its integration into the curriculum, as well as the creation of educational materials on the learning management system (TiHoMoodle)
  • Advice on the creation of online/blended learning courses for further education
  • Support for the supervision of doctoral students with e-learning content in their dissertation
  • Advice on and support in creating online surveys (LimeSurvey)
  • Help with third-party funding for e-learning projects
  • Loan of learning programs
  • Advice on creating multiple choice questions for e-exams
  • Formal review of multiple choice questions

Services for Students

Students of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover can find the following offers of the E-Learning Service:

  • Advice on all aspects of digital learning. This includes:
    • TiHoMoodle
    • CASUS
    • Online Lectures
    • Videos and tutorials from various clinics and institutes
      • Virtual microscopes of anatomy, parasitology, histopathology and microbiology
      • Podcasts and Vodcasts
      • TiHoVideos, the TiHo YouTube channel
    • Digital teaching platforms
    • Voting and polling tools
    • Other teaching media, e.g.
      • Heartsound Libary
      • Tools for collaborative projects
  • Advice on aspects of digital examinations (e-exams)
    • Demo exam
  • Progress Test
  • Elective courses

Students can access the many offers of the E-Learning Service via the e-learning page in TiHoStudIS or directly via CASUS or TiHoMoodle.

Furthermore, WikiVet, an English-language, veterinary, collaborative online reference platform is available for all students and veterinarians.

Educational management systems at the TiHo

Lecturers can find an overview of the most important functions and contact persons in the guidelines for the use of educational management systems at the TiHo. This can be found on the intranet website of the TiHo.