SOUVER@N | Sovereign digital teaching and learning in Lower Saxony | 2021-2024

[Translate to English:] Logo Souver@n und Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
  • Funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
  • Project manager at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation: Dr. Elisabeth Schaper

Project team in the E-Learning Service
Dr. Elisabeth Schaper
Dr. Aleksandra Bartkowiak
Eva Maria Weber

formerly: Johanna Hoischen, Dr. Marina Ille, Dr. Hannah Naundorf, Dr. Robin Richter

Associated partners:
University of Osnabrück (project lead),
Leuphana University of Lüneburg (co-project lead),   
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (co-project lead),
Clausthal University of Technology,
University of Hildesheim, Foundation,
University of Vechta,
Hannover Medical School

Cooperation partner: ELAN e. V.                       

Further information about the project structure, the work packages, the network partners and the practical advisory board can be found on the project homepage.

The aim of the joint project is to promote sovereign digital teaching and learning: For this purpose, high-quality digitally enriched teaching and learning concepts and contents are to be developed and a sovereign, i.e. competent and learning goal-oriented use of digital tools by teachers and students = digital literacy, will be promoted.

Due to advancing digitalization and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the conditions and opportunities for studying and teaching have changed enormously. With the intensive use of digital learning technologies, the experience and digital skills of teachers and students have increased, as has the need for didactic, technical, and legal support, as well as the demands on the quality of digital teaching and learning scenarios.

The project partners aim to meet and permanently sustain these increased requirements by bundling their competencies and services in the areas of basic IT, services and content - in doing so, the partner universities benefit from their specific priorities and strengths. The experience gained in the project should be secured and used as a basis for the systematic further development and flexibility of digital teaching. The project pays particular attention to the desired digital sovereignty of universities.

The SOUVER@N project sees itself as the nucleus for building a nationwide network, services and offers, which can be expanded to all universities in Lower Saxony.                                                     

The souver@n project intends to implement the following goals within different work packages:

  1. the sovereign, i.e. competent and learning goal-oriented use of digital tools by teachers and students (digital literacy)
  2. the professional development of high-quality digitally enriched teaching/learning concepts and contents
  3. the digital sovereignty of universities as institutions, strengthened through their network.