FERVET | Digital teaching and review of clinical practical skills in veterinary medicine from an animal welfare perspective | 2021 - 2024 & FERVET II | 2024 - 2025

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  • Funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
  • Project manager: Prof. Dr. Andrea Tipold
    Co-project manager of the E-Learning Service: Dr. Elisabeth Schaper
    Co-project manager of the Clinical Skills Lab: Dr. Sandra Wissing

Project team in the E-Learning Service
Dr. Elisabeth Schaper
Dr. Robin Richter

formerly: Dr. Alicia Enzig-Strohm, Dr. Lena Katharina Käufer

In the 2020 funding announcement 'Strengthening university teaching through digitalization' from the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre, TiHo was able to successfully convice both with the individual project FERVET and as a partner in the joint application SOUVER@N.

The FERVET project is situated in the E-Learning Service and in the Clinical Skills Lab and addresses the digital teaching and testing of necessary clinical-practical skills in veterinary medicine studies.

The aim of the FERVET project is to achieve the following innovations::

  1. Enriching face-to-face, hybrid and virtual teaching through new, innovative formats
  2. Further development and evaluation of existing assessment scenarios
  3. Subsequent structural anchoring of these innovations
Eye examination on the simulator
Presentation of the ophthalmological examination on a dog head simulator in the Clinical Skills Lab

The following planned actions are to be realised in the work packages:

Video production and video annotations
The E-Learning Service carries out video production for new and existing learning stations in the Clinical Skills Lab as well as the expansion of video production at the TiHo. In addition, annotations in videos are implemented for interactive and video-based exercises.

Simulators and learning stations
In the Clinical Skills Lab, face-to-face, hybrid and virtual teaching is enriched through the development of simulators. This is also achieved using 3D printing and electronic control mechanisms. Additionally, efforts are underway to establish further learning stations.

Digital teaching material
Digital teaching and learning material will be provided to accompany the planned processes. The development of a virtual learning laboratory as an interface between preclinical and clinical work in the Clinical Skills Lab is also planned.

Digital performance monitoring
Existing formative and summative e-examination formats are to be evaluated and further developed through an eOSCE examination, as well as through the subject-specific conceptualization and implementation of online open-book examinations.

Structural anchoring
By integrating these innovative measures into study and examination regulations, as well as general teaching operations, we hope to further anchor these digital teaching techniques into the university’s structures.

Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre visited the Clinical Skills Lab and produced a video entitled 'Intubating the Simulator Snake'. You can find this video here.