Sound Refine; Investigation and modelling of cumulative effects from the construction of offshore wind farms on harbour porpoise populations.

Ship as sound source and three harbour porpoise

Project data

Project leader: Prof. Prof. h. c. Dr. Ursula Siebert
Scientists: Dr. Andreas Ruser
Dr. Johannes Baltzer
Project term: January 2022 until December 2022
Sponsorship: The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)

Project description

The aim of the research project is to answer scientific questions related to the effects of offshore wind farms on harbour porpoises in German waters. Therefore, both the sound-related effects on the population of harbour porpoises that occur during construction and the cumulative effects from the construction of offshore wind farms, for which an assessment concept will be developed (FP 2), will be investigated. The objective of this research project is to establish the cause-effect relationship between sound exposure and harbour porpoise occurrence as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of measures used to reduce effects on harbour porpoises (noise mitigation and deterrence). First, underwater noise recordings during the construction of offshore wind farms will be analysed with regard to the noise emission from the pile driving. Based on this data and considering physical area-specific parameters, the sound propagation will be modelled. The modelling enables to estimate noise emissions in the entire study area. A model will be used to determine whether the existing data are sufficient to explain effects on the occurrence of harbour porpoises. In a study, data will be identified, criteria established and, with a model, their applicability tested to investigate cumulative effects of offshore wind farm construction on the occurrence of harbour porpoises.
The work in this project will answer the following questions:
1)How can the effects of anthropogenic noise emissions during the construction of offshore wind turbines on harbor porpoises be assessed cumulatively?
2)Can the collected data on pile-driving noise, deterrence and porpoise detections as well as construction-related shipping sufficiently explain the effect of the construction work on the occurrence of harbour porpoises?
An evaluation that takes into account all constructed wind farms has not been carried out yet, but is imperative in the future, among other things to evaluate the success of the application and further developments of noise mitigation measures. The evaluation of the current noise mitigation concept and state of the art using data and findings from the previous projects make an important contribution to the planning of the upcoming further expansion of offshore wind energy.

Contact person

Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research
Werftstr. 6
25761 Büsum

Dr. Johannes Baltzer

Phone: +49 (0)511-8568166
e-mail schreiben