Education and training for students & veterinarians


Student course "Epidemiology and herd management in pigs”

In a one to two week intensive course, students of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation are taught practical knowledge of livestock examination, focussing on the systematic examination of a pig herd, the planning of further diagnostics, the comprehensive interpretation of findings as well as the development of animal health concepts.

Education for veterinarians

The Field Station for Epidemiology also offers training courses for veterinarians through lectures of national and international experts on pig health and quality assurance in food production. Such events are usually announced 3 to 4 weeks in advance.

Advanced training for veterinarians

The Institute participates in the European College of Porcine Health Management (ECPHM) and is authorized to train specialist veterinarians for pig diseases (Prof. Dr. Elisabeth große Beilage, Dipl. ECPHM and Prof. Dr. Isabel Hennig-Pauka, Dipl. ECPHM).

© I. Hennig-Pauka