- Necropsies and laboratory diagnostical services
- Interpretation of results
- Herd examination
The field station offers veterinarians and animal owners a comprehensive range of services regarding livestock health management:
- Necropsy and laboratory tests
- Interpretation of findings
- Stock examinations
Material from animal carcasses and submitted samples are examined by state-of-the-art diagnostics, either on site or in cooperation with other research facilities. For a detailed list of all offered examination methods, please refer to our service portfolio.
In a region with Europe's highest livestock density, the Field Station for Epidemiology provides necropsies of pigs. Material from animal carcasses and sample submissions are tested for pathogens on site or in cooperation with other testing facilities using most appropriate methods. Susceptibility testing of pathogens for antimicrobial substances to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) using the microbouillon dilution test, the detection of various pathogens in a single step (multiplex PCR) and the quantification of pathogens using real-time PCR ensure state-of-the-art diagnostics.
Diagnostic services
Since March 2003, the diagnostic department of the field station has been accredited by the states accreditation body of Hannover (AKS) and since 2011 by the German Accreditation Body (DAKKS) according to international standard ISO/IEC 17025. The accredited quality management system ensures traceability of the test results through transparency of work processes. It obliges the employees to maintain a high level of quality in accordance with the specified standard, aiming for continuous quality improvement.
To ensure the high standard of test results and findings as well as their evaluation, we rely on mutual cooperation with clients. We therefore ask you to send in samples of any kind with a laboratory test / post-mortem examination request form. This helps us to avoid misunderstandings and improve interpretation of our examinations.
The following diagnostic services are offered:
- Pathomorphological examination of animal bodies
- Bacteriological examination including susceptibility testing
- Molecular biological examination for pathogens and species differentiation
- Parasitological examination
- Planning and implementation of monitoring for Salmonella prevalence in pig herds
- Further examinations in collaboration with external laboratories
Opening hours
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00 am - 16:30 pm
Submission times for animals:
- Animals for pathomorphological examination can be submitted until 14:00 pm (Fridays until 12:00 p.m.), otherwise the necropsy will be performed the following working day. We ask for telephonic notification of animals by contacting +49 511 953 7850.