We are looking forward to meeting you!
We welcome new members who would like to join us in supporting the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation. You can join easily with this online form.
The annual contribution for individual members is 30 EUR, students pay 10 EUR and corporate members such as companies and organizations 60 EUR. Of course, the contribution can be higher and also larger individual donations benefit the promotion goals of the society.
Donations and contributions are deductible according to § 5 para. 1 no. 9 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, as the non-profit status of the Society is recognized.
Service for members
As a member, you will receive the TiHo-Anzeiger four times a year, which informs you about all events and happenings at the university and about the Society of Friends and its support projects.
In addition, you will be invited to the general meeting, where you will be able to participate in the decision-making process regarding the use of membership fees and donations.