Congress Cost Subsidy

[Translate to English:] Menschenkette mit Buntstift gemalt

Promotion of young scientists

The congress grant of the Society of Friends is intended to enable young scientists of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover to participate in a scientific congress with their own contribution.

The participation in a lecture event of an international scientific society or association, whose scientific program - without supporting program - extends over a duration of at least two full days, can be supported. A grant can only be awarded once per person.

Requirements for the applicant

  •     A congress contribution has been accepted from the applicant as a lecture; acceptance as a poster may be sufficient.
  •     The applicant is the first author of the paper.
  •     The maximum age for applicants is 35 years.
  •     The applicant works at a scientific institution of the University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation.
  •     In principle, the applicant does not receive any further funding from third parties for participation in the congress.
  •     If the applicant receives remuneration, this may not be higher than a 50% position in pay group 14 (TV-L), formerly BAT IIa/2.


Applications should be sent to the management of the Society of Friends as early as possible, but at least one month before the start of the congress. The application form (Word, Download) should also be accompanied by a list of expected costs, supporting documents (if already available) and an abstract of the congress contribution.


Cost contribution

The GdF's contribution to costs in individual cases amounts to 75% of the total costs, up to a maximum of EUR 510. The total amount of GdF congress subsidies granted per year is based on the GdF funds available for this purpose. The decision on this is made annually by the General Meeting of the GdF after consultation in the Board of Directors.


Board of Trustees

A Board of Trustees, consisting of three members, decides on the granting of a Society of Friends congress subsidy:

  •     the President of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
  •     one member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Friends and
  •     a representative of the group of scientific employees of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover.

The members mentioned under 2) and 3) are elected for a period of three years by the General Assembly of the Society of Friends or by the representatives of the scientific staff in the Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. A member of the board of trustees shall be represented by his/her deputy if his/her scientific institution belongs to the same expert commission as that of the applicant. The president is usually represented by the vice president for research.