Since July 2018, Junior Professor Bettina Seeger, Ph.D., heads the Research Group Food Toxicology and Replacement and Complementary Methods to Animal Testing, which was initially assigned to the Institute of Food Toxicology and has been integrated into the Institute of Food Quality and Safety since October 2020. The working group is primarily involved in the development of alternative and complementary methods to animal testing based on cells differentiated from stem cells. Thereby, the differentiation of different neuronal cell populations from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) for the use in (food) toxicological assays for different questions is in the focus. In addition, the group works on the generation of intestinal organoids of different species for the elucidation of host-pathogen interactions.
Research Group Leader Food Toxicology and Alternative/Complementary Methods to Animal Experiments
Prof. Bettina Seeger, Ph.D.
Junior Professor for Alternative/Complementary Methods to Animal Experiments
phone: +49 511 856-7602
mail: Bettina.Seeger(at)