
The support of young scientists is one of the important goals of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover.
Therefore, the university offers the

Konrad Bögel Young Scientists Award for Veterinary Epidemiology and Veterinary Public Health

The prize is sponsored by the FEP - Förderverein für angewandte Epidemiologie und Ökologie e.V.
The prize is usually awarded annually for an outstanding paper in the above-mentioned fields, prepared by the applicant with sole or main responsibility.

Applicants should not have exceeded the age of 40 at the time of application.

Applications for the 2025 award should be submitted to the University of Veterinary Medicine by Nov. 15, 2024 at the latest.

The decision on the award will be made by a commission.
The awarding of the prize is connected with an honor as well as with a prize money of 1000 €.

Award guidelines

(1) The award honors an outstanding work in the field of veterinary epidemiology or veterinary public health of scientists who are not older than 40 years at the time of application. Scientists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as scientists working in Germany, Austria or Switzerland at the time of application are eligible to apply. Accepted publications in international as well as national peer-reviewed journals can be submitted. In case of several authors, the own part of contribution must be documented precisely in a written presentation confirmed by all co-authors. The submitted work must not be older than two years at the time of application.

(2) The complete application consists of
  - a letter of application
  - a short scientific curriculum vitae and    
  - a version of the paper          
For accepted publications, evaluations by anonymous reviewers may be included with the application. Applications should be submitted by eMail. In this case, the three documents must be sent as three pdf-files. Each document must be clearly labeled, beginning with the applicant's surname.

(3) The application must be submitted by 15/11/2024 at the latest and addressed to

President of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover Foundation

Each applicant will receive an acknowledgement of receipt for the documents submitted.

(4 ) The evaluation of the received documents will be made by a commission.

(5) All documents submitted by 15/11/2024 will be checked for compliance with the formal tender requirements and handed over to the members of the commission for specialist evaluation.

(6) The commission decides by simple majority which of the submitted papers should receive the prize. Only criterion is the scientific excellence of the veterinary epidemiological work.

(7) The awardee will be notified of the intended award as well as date and venue of the public award ceremony by Dec. 15, 2024.

(8) The legal process is excluded.


2024   Dr. Leonie Klein  
Außenstelle für Epidemiologie / Institut für Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informationsverarbeitung, Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover           
für die Arbeit       
Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Prävention des Eintrags von Afrikanischer Schweinepest (ASP) in landwirtschaftliche Schweinehaltungen in Niedersachsen

2024   Thomas Werner 
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien 
für die Arbeit       
Antimicrobial resistance and its relationship with antimicrobial use on Austrian dairy farms

2022   Dr. Jonas Brock
Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung Leipzig           
for the scientific work   
Decision support using advanced modelling concepts in Epidemiology - Enhancing future bovine herpesvirus type 1 eradication in Ireland

2021   Dr. med. vet. Katharina Beushausen        
Institut für Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informationsverarbeitung, Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
for the scientific work       
Monitoring Antibiotic Usage in German Dairy and Beef Cattle Farms — A Longitudinal Analysis

2021   Dr. Beate Conrady             
Institut f. Lebensmittelsicherheit, Lebensmitteltechnologie u. Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen in der Veterinärmedizin, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien           
for the scientific work       
A cost-benefit analysis and the potential trade effects of the bovine viral diarrhoea eradication programme in Styria, Austria

Luis Pedro Carmo
Veterinary Public Health-Institut, Vetsuisse Fakultät, Universität Bern, Schweiz
for the scientific work    
Usage of antimicrobials in livestock: quantifying, understanding, intervening

Dr. med. vet. Malin Hemme
Institut für Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informationsverarbeitung, Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
for the scientific work
Antibiotic use on German pig farms - A longitudinal analysis for 2011, 2013 and 2014

Cindy Wenke
Institut für Tierhygiene und Öffentliches Veterinärwesen, Universität Leipzig
for the scientific works 
Efficiency of different air filter types for pig facilities at laboratory scale
Impact of different supply air and recirculating air filtration systems on stable climate, animal health, and performance of fattening pigs in a commercial pig farm

Veronika Richter, M.A.      
Institut für Öffentliches Veterinärwesen, Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien           
for the scientific work      
A systematic worldwide review of the direct monetary losses in cattle due to bovine viral diarrhoea virus infection

Dr. med. vet. Sophia Johler-Ilić
Institute for food safety and hygiene
University of Zurich
for the scientific work 
Minimizing the Risk of Staphylococcal Food Poisoning

Dr. phil. Stephanie Mauti, med. vet.             
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health        
Schweizerisches Tropen- und Public-Health-Institut, Basel     
A contribution to dog ecology and dog-related zoonoses in Bamako, Mali

Dr. med. vet. Anou Dreyfus        
Epidemiology Unit, University of Zurich, Switzerland
for the scientific work    
Leptospirosis in humans and pastoral livestock in New Zealand

Dr. Martin Lange         
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltfoschung Leipzig
for the scientific work    
Eco-epidemiology of infectious diseases of wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations
Surveillance and control of Classical Swine Fever and Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Dr. Salome Dürr 
Veterinary Public Health Institute, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
for the scientific work     
Evaluation of control and surveillance strategies for classical swine fever using a simulation model

Dr. Heiko Nathues, PhD        
Außenstelle für Epidemiologie, Bakum, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover       
Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health Group, Royal Veterinary College    
for the scientific work 
Influence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strain variation, environmental factors and co-infections on Enzootic Pneumonia in pigs

Dr. Ulrike Sorge
University of Guelph, Canada
for the scientific work 
Evaluation of a voluntary risk assessment-based Johne’s disease control program in Ontario and Western Canada

[Translate to English:] Konrad Bögel im Gespräch