Pheasant, Hare, Deer, black grouse
Site Hannover
Dr. Armin Blöchl
Dr. Armin Blöchl


  • since 2021 Research associate at the Institute for Aquatic and Terrestrial Wildlife Research (ITAW) TiHo-Hannover
  • 2016-2021 Research Associate at the Institute of Animal Ecology and Cell Biology, TiHo Hannover, AG Cell Biology.
  • since 2016: Lecturer at the Institute of Biology and Chemistry, University of Hildesheim.
  • 2012-2016: Research associate at the Institute of Animal Ecology and Cell Biology of the TiHo Hannover, AG Cell Biology.
  • 2010-2016: Research associate at the Institute of Biology and Chemistry, University of Hildesheim.
  • 2009-2010: Research assistant in the project: Biodiversity interactive - Development and evaluation of an environmental education offer for German national parks, schools and universities (scientific concept and editing of the IKosmos-App Mussels and Snails).
  • 2005-2008: Lecturer for spec. zoology at the Institute of Zoology of the TiHo-Hannover and freelancer in the research group of Jun. Prof. Könemann (animal ecology)
  • 2001-2004: PhD at the University of Hannover in ecology and zoology.
  • 1994-2000: Studies of biology at the University of Hannover with focus on zoology, microbiology, geology and hydrobiology

Work focus

  • Environmental education with smartphone and tablet
  • Marine coastal ecosystems
  •  Still and flowing water ecology
  • Entomology


  • ID-Logics species identification made easy            


  • Microcosms as model systems for hydrobiological relationships
  • Synecology
  • Assessment and evaluation of biocenoses
  • Marine biology courses Helgoland, Crete, Azores
  • Supervision of final year students


  • German Society for Limnology


Publications and conference contributions

Weske, V., Winter, R., Bloechl, A., Schmidt, S. & Mantilla-Contreras J. (2017): Diet of the two Bat Species Rhinolophus hipposideros & R. ferrumequinum on Asinara Island, Sardinia.

Wicht, I. & Bloechl, A. (2016): Mikroplastik als Vektor für Umweltgifte in die Nahrungskette? Untersuchungen in Mikrokosmen zum Sorptionsverhalten von Schwermetallen an Plastikpartikel. DGL Wien.

Philipp, C., Danehl, S., Bloechl, A., Siebert, U. & van Neer, A. (2016): What to do, when a human steps on you – assessing potential effects of tourism related disturbances on grey seal behaviour. 30th Conference of the European Cetacean Society – Madeira.

Leijs, R., Bloechl, A & Koenemann, S. (2011): Bogidiella veneris, a new species of subterranean Amphipoda (Bogidiellidae) from Australia, with remarks on the systematics and biogeography. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 31 (3): 566-575.

Bloechl, A., Koenemann, S., Philippi, B. & Melber, A. (2010): Abundance, diversity and succession of aquatic Coleoptera and Heteroptera in a cluster of artificial ponds in the North German Lowlands. Limnologica, 40, (3): 215-225.

Koenemann, S., Bloechl, A., Alejandro, Iliffe, T.M., Hoenemann, M., & M., Oromi, P. (2009): A new, disjunct species of Speleonectes (Remipedia, Crustacea) from the Canary Islands. Marine Biodiversity, 39 (3): 215-225.

Koenemann, S., Schramm, F.R., Bloechl, A., Iliffe, T.M., Hönemann, M. & C. Held (2007): Post-embryonic development of remipede crustaceans. Evolution & Development, 9 (2): 117-121.

Koenemann, S., Schramm, F.R., Iliffe, T.M., Hinderstein, L.M. & A. Bloechl (2007): Behavior of Remipedia in the laboratory, with supporting field observations. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 27 (4): 534-542.

Hoenemann, M., Könemann, S., Schram, F.R., Bloechl, A., Iliffe, T. & C. Held (2006): Larval Development of Remipedia (Crustacea). DGL Leipzig.

Koenemann, S., Hönemann, M., Schram, F., Held, C., Bloechl, A. & T. Iliffe (2006): Naupliar Development of Remipedia. 18. th. International Symposium of Biospeleology (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

Hoenemann, M., Könemann, S., Held, C., Schram, F., Bloechl, A. & T. Iliffe (2006): Development of Remipedia (Crustacea). Abstractband; 96th Annual Meeting. Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (Münster, Germany).

Bloechl, A. (2004): Die Produktionsbiologie von Abgrabungsgewässer. In: Umweltentlastung durch die Entwicklung von Planungshilfen für Sand- und Kiesabbauvorhaben an der Weser und in Schleswig-Holstein. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (Nr.: 14103).

Bloechl, A. (2004): Vergleichende limnologische Untersuchung zur Planktondynamik von flussnahen Abgrabungsgewässern in der niedersächsischen Weser- und Leineaue. Dissertation Universität Hannover.

Focke, R., Bloechl, A. & W. Weidemann (2003): Flussnahe Abgrabungs-gewässer: Eignung als Ersatzbiotope in Auen? Ernährung und Wachstum von 0+ Flussbarschen in 3 flussnahen Kiesseen an der Mittelweser. DGL: 222-226.

Bloechl, A. & W. Weidemann (2003): Flussnahe Abgrabungsgewässer: Eignung als Ersatzbiotope in Auen? Untersuchungen zur Planktondynamik flussnaher Baggerseen. DGL: 216-221.

Maibaum, J., Bloechl, A. & W. Weidemann (2002): Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen in Mesokosmen in einem hypertrophen Kiesabbaugewässer der Weseraue. DGL: 538-542.

Bloechl, A. & W. Weidemann (2001): Untersuchungen zur Produktionsbiologie von Baggerseen der Weseraue. DGL: 371-374.