Anderson Hansen, K., Teilmann, J., Siebert, U., & Wahlberg, M. (2024). What body condition measurements and blood draws tell us about the vulnerability of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) populations? In C. Monaco (Ed.), 35th European Cetacean Society conference 10-12 April 2024: Abstract book.
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Autenrieth, M., Havenstein, K., De Cahsan, B., Canitz, J., Benke, H., Roos, A., Pampoulie, C., Sigurðsson, G. M., Siebert, U., Olsen, M. T., Biard, V., Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Öztürk, A. A., Öztürk, B., Lawson, J. W., & Tiedemann, R. (2024). Genome-wide analysis of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) indicates isolation-by-distance across the North Atlantic and potential local adaptation in adjacent waters. Conservation Genetics, 25, 563–584.
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Dönmez, E., Siebert, U., & Fabrizius, A. (2024). Extensive immune reaction and highly expressed novel genes hint at a potentially molecular adaptation in the lung of non-healthy harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). In C. Monaco (Ed.), 35th European Cetacean Society conference 10-12 April 2024: Abstract book.
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Eguiguren, A., Avila, I. C., Rosero, P., Toro, F., Hersh, T., Rojas, C., Mesnick, S., Whitehead, H., & Alava, J. J. (2024). Report on the implementation of the concerted action for sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) of the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
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Gilles, A., Pigeault, R., Ramirez-Martinez, N., Schaffeld, T., Daewel, U., Schrum, C., & Siebert, U. (2024). Our coastal future: from prey to anthropogenic stressors, predicting marine mammal habitat in the Anthropocene ocean. In C. Monaco (Ed.), 35th European Cetacean Society conference 10-12 April 2024: Abstract book.
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Gose, M.-A., Humble, E., Brownlow, A., Wall, D., Rogan, E., Sigurðsson, G. M., Kiszka, J. J., Thøstesen, C. B., IJsseldijk, L. L., ten Doeschate, M., Davison, N. J., Øien, N., Deaville, R., Siebert, U., & Ogden, R. (2024). Population genomics of the white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris): implications for conservation amid climate-driven range shifts. Heredity: Official Journal of the Genetics Society, 132, 192–201.
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Grundei, L.-L., Schöttes, F. M., Gethöffer, F., Tost, D., Kluge, L., Siebert, U., & Pees, M. (2024). Human-wildlife interaction: a social survey. Animals, 14(5).
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Henriksen, L. B., Thøstesen, C. B., Alstrup, A. K. O., Larsen, H. L., Wahlberg, M., Siebert, U., & Pagh, S. (2024). A new simple method for age determination of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Aquatic Mammals, 50(1), 30–338.
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Herzog, I., Wohlsein, P., Preuss, A., Gorb, S. N., Pigeault, R., Ewers, C., Prenger-Berninghoff, E., Siebert, U., & Lehnert, K. (2024). Heartworm and seal louse: trends in prevalence, characterisation of impact and transmission pathways in a unique parasite assembly on seals in the North and Baltic Sea. International Journal for Parasitology / Parasites and Wildlife, 23.
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Heße, E., Gessner, J., Siebert, U., & Gilles, A. (2024). First record of a critically endangered species, European sturgeon Acipenser sturio, in the stomach of harbor porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the North Sea. Endangered Species Research: ESR, 54, 239–244.
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